Hall Build Plans and tithing (is this common?)

by Burger Time 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • primitivegenius

    i knew this one hall wayyyyyyyy back in the late 70s early 80's, the brothers were RENTING a place, so this elder suggested that they go in together on a place. problem was no one could agree where they should go, so three elders found a place that would work for the meetings and they bought it together......... mind you this was the PO, the service overseer and another elder....... so pretty much the top three men. they got the congregation to come and look at the place........... and it was NICE but needed a little remodeling. so they RENTED the hall back to the brothers for about 3/4 of the rent of the old building. the mortgage was 1/2 the cost of the old rent then you had to add taxes and upkeep. the congregation paid for the freshing up paint and carpet wise but those three elders held the title. things went along nicely ......... untill the CO found out about it..... probably 8 years later........ he made them get a new hall through the society.... said they COULD NOT RENT IT...... even tho it was a much bigger and better hall in a excellent location and cheaper.

    they built a new hall and it cost them TWICE as much each month than the rental.

    nice, the three brothers KEPT the old hall and rented it four about 3 times the amount they were chargeing the brothers............ so they made out better...........

  • BurnTheShips

    * Certain manuscripts (LXX, BS, WTF, STFU) add the following: "and thou shalt ensure that the color scheme is as garish as thou knowest how to make, ensuring that a costly remodeling project shalt be considered necessary within the span of a time, times, and half a time."


  • Abandoned
    He also said that on the form if you gave over 3,000 dollars it would be considered a loan but you couldn't charge interest.

    Then why does the society charge interest when they loan money to a congregation to build a new hall?

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Hey Blondie also if over 3,000 dollars was going to work as a loan it couldn't be anonymous. My brother said you put your name the amount you will give and if it is over 3,000 you set a date you want it paid back by with no interest.

    Abanonded this is what caused my brother to be rightfully pissed. I think he is starting to turn. He keeps complaining more and more to me about these little things.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    Burger time; seems your brother see's the wt for the HYPOCRITES THAT THEY ARE when it comes to $$$$$$$$$. 3% for them ,but nothing for you poor dope peddlers. what the hell about all the $$$$$$$$$$$ jw's have been donating to build halls? where the hell is all that $$$$$$$. SCAM , CON ARTIST if i ever heard of one. keep on this topic with your brother , as this is what he seems to understand. johnny

  • LouBelle
    If the end is really just days away, why would the corp. be so interested in building more assets?

    Exactly!!!!! It's a publishing company disguised as a religion.

    They did that a while back at my kindom hall - we were going to do renovations - we had to put an amount of a once off contribution and then also let them know how much we could afford on a monthly basis.

    It came to quite a substantial amount. The hall didn't really need renovating, they gave it a lick of paint, new curtains and a new carpet......wonder what happend to the other funds.

  • blondie

    It's not anonymous if you want to claim it on your taxes. Otherwise, you don't have to put your name on.


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