FIREPHIM revisited for all the new ones

by seven006 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    Yesterday I got a call from one of my exJW friends. During our conversation (which usually are centered around the Watchtower printing Company) I asked her if she had read a post I wrote several years ago here on JWD about the group called Firephim. Firephim was a corporation that was established by represenitives of the Watchtower Corp, The Scientologist, The Raelians (a UFO cult), The Moonies, The Children of God church (the sex cult) as well as a few other cults. She, had not read it but wanted too.

    I told her I would e-mail her the link but then thought it might be interesting to some of the new posters here on JWD to read the information as well. When I did the research and wrote the post back in 2002 there were only ten or fifteen links to the subject on any of the search engines. Most of the links were written in English with a few in French and German.

    The subject is also presented on Randy Watter’s Free Minds site (even though I have never been able to find it there).

    If you type the word FIREPHIM on a search engine now, you get 544 links on Yahoo and 345 links on Google. You also get links in Russian, Greek, Japanese, Korean, the three languages I mentioned before and some languages I don’t have a clue what the hell they are.

    The internet is helping to expose all the cults for what and who they really are.
    The JW leadership has boasted about the fact that they have fulfilled a biblical proclamation "Get out of her my people" referring to "false religion". But when it helps the bottom line of their bank account, they try to sneak behind their good hearted, well meaning, but clueless followers and do exactly the opposite of (and will disfellowship for) what they demand from them.

    The JW leadership tells the world that they disfellowship some of their members in an effort "to keep the congregation clean" but behind closed doors (they think) they freely associate with some of he most notorious "minority religions (cults) in existence. Just type in any search engine the names of any of the religions mentioned above as part of Firephim and read about them.

    Firephim no longer exists as a legal corporation but its legacy lives on…all over the world and now in many languages.

    For Barb,


  • seven006

    FIREPHIM revisited for new ones

    Yesterday I got a call from one of my exJW friends. During our conversation (which usually are centered around the Watchtower printing Company) I asked her if she had read a post I wrote several years ago here on JWD about the group called Firephim. Firephim was a corporation that was established by represenitives of the Watchtower Corp, The Scientologist, The Raelians (a UFO cult), The Moonies, The Children of God church (the sex religion) as well as a few other cults. She, had not read it but wanted too.

    Here is the link target="_blank" like this:
    " target="_blank">

    I told her I would e-mail her the link but then thought it might be interesting to some of the new posters here on JWD to read the information as well. When I did the research and wrote the post back in 2002 there were only ten or fifteen links to the subject on any of the search engines. Most of the links were written in English with a few in French and German.

    The subject is also presented on Randy Watter’s Free Minds site (even though I have never been able to find it there).

    If you type the word FIREPHIM on a search engine now, you get 544 links on Yahoo and 345 links on Google. You also get links in Russian, Greek, Japanese, Korean, the three languages I mentioned before and some languages I don’t have a clue what the hell they are.

    The internet is helping to expose all the cults for what and who they really are.
    The JW leadership has boasted about the fact that they have fulfilled a biblical proclamation “Get out of her my people” referring to “false religion”. But when it helps the bottom line of their bank account, they try to sneak behind their good hearted, well meaning, but clueless followers and do exactly the opposite of (and will disfellowship for) what they demand from them.

    The JW leadership tells the world that they disfellowship some of their members in an effort “to keep the congregation clean” but behind closed doors (they think) they freely associate with some of he most notorious “minority religions (cults) in existence. Just type in any search engine the names of any of the religions mentioned above as part of Firephim and read about them.

    Firephim no longer exists as a legal corporation but its legacy lives on…all over the world and now in many languages.

    For Barb,


  • minimus

    Make it clickable son!

    Twice for emphasis

    Twice for emphasis

    I thought it had something to do with NEPHILIM

  • seven006

    Got Damned formatting!

  • seven006

    Min, make it clickable yourself! Simon hates Mac’s

  • minimus

    3 times is more like it!

  • minimus

    too much work

  • minimus

    Hey, between us two, we can make this thread hit 2 pages in no time.

    And I'm not gonna tell Simon what he should do, you troublemaking friend.

  • freetosee
  • yknot

    Okay that is far more sickening then picturing Ted Jackadz riding drunk on the blood of the non-transfused on a red beast with the harlot sitting astride his pantless lap

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