by deaconbluez 40 Replies latest jw friends
This is completely unbelievable. I am not doubting you, but I will confirm this with some of my JW moles.
If this is legit, it is further proof of what pieces of s**t the Watchtower Society is.
How can anyone make such a broad statement?
I am disfellowshiped and have what they would call an apostate blog, www.isnrblog.com. I am and always have been completely faithful to my wife, whom I married after I left the Witnesses. I was sexually promiscuous when I was a Witness.
I do smoke the occasional joint, though rarely. I have smoked pot since I was 16. I smoked when I was an elder. I drink socially and always have. I am in a profession that if I was a liar or dishonest, I would lose my livelyhood and could got to jail. I am ethical and honest.
I have had the occasion to employ Witnesses in differant business ventures and they have lied and stolen from me. In fact, over the years i have fired 16 individual Witnesses for stealing. More for other things like not showing up for work, etc.
Honestly, this is a hoot. What arrogant a**holes.LOL
After reading that article i feel totally nauseated. How can anyone believe this shite? I feel disgusted with this organisation and totally ashamed of myself that i was ever a part of it.
After reading that article i feel totally nauseated. How can anyone believe this shite? I feel disgusted with this organisation and totally ashamed of myself that i was ever a part of it.
Wow...was it that believable?
Nathan Natas
Brillant! Perhaps just a microlumen TOO brilliant, as so many seem to be taking it as real.
You are a credit to the Unseen Apostate Brotherhood.
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
ROFLMFAO!!! Decon, that was definitely in the top 3 of all the "Questions from Readers" you've done.
new boy
I'm laughing so hard I'm having a hard time getting the needle into my arm.