I, too, grew up in the Malawi era and expected that kind of thing. I was very protective of my mother and younger sister, so I frequently dreamed of trying to get them outta Dodge before "they" (whoever they were) found us. "Flee to the mountains" was something I daydreamed about, mentally planning routes, supplies, etc. What I thought we'd do once we got there was pretty vague (I was 17 or so), as we had no camping gear or survival equipment. But, by golly, we have mountains! I sort of envisioned other witnesses showing and forming those stand-up tables and gruel lines like they used to have at assemblies, back in the day.
Like others, I was fairly sure I could hold up, but couldn't bear the thought that they might harm my mom and sis in front of me. I used to joke that I'd rat out all the elders if that happened, but looking back now, I probably would have.
The scare tactics used back then were awful, to be sure, but is it really any worse than teaching little kids that God hands you over to Satan to burn forever with little demons and imps gleefully sticking you with their forks? Back in the day, before studying with the dubs, I attended a Pentacostal church for several years, and that's exactly what they taught in Sunday school, replete with illustrations via their "felt story board" (what people in the early 60's used instead of Powerpoint, I guess!).