I think the noose just tightened a bit. Part 2 The book study

by 5go 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • SacrificialLoon

    I don't think my bible ever moved on it's own so I don't think following it would be harmful. Unless it got really windy, and blew out a 2nd story window, then that'd be harmful.

    Edit: JWs have "The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures" not a Bible. I think there's something in the beginning stating why they decided no to call it "The NWT of the Holy Scriptures" rather than "The NWT of The Bible". You could've earned some brownie points by pointing that out, or maybe some other kind of points.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I wonder if they will ever call the book study the mind control study........being in the Truth in all

  • WTWizard

    Will following the Watchtower Society ever cause you harm? Yes. If you go to meetings, you lose value in the amount of the expenditure put in to get to that meeting and stay there, including time spent preparing, in excess of the benefit you get by being there. Chances are, you get little or no value by being there (occasionally, there is one or two people that are worth associating with).

    If you go out in field circus, you lose the same value (the difference between the total expenditure and the total benefit), plus you are defrauding people into wasting their time listening and ultimately into joining the scam. Society, and the individuals involved, all lose. Thus, it is morally wrong to go out in field circus because it is bad for the individual and for society.

    Even worse, if you are at the meetings, you could easily be hounded into doing things that are even worse. They talk about putting money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund boxes. I have seen poor people (living on fixed incomes) dropping in $20 bills like they were going out of style, and yet the congregations never seem to be building up any funds. You could be forced to throw away items that are genuinely useful to you. You will waste more time going to special things like a$$emblies. Children will be forced to sit still for hours at a time, usually under threat of spankings and beatings. Children in school have to stay up late on school nights for those wastefests. And if you are really unlucky, they might sabotage your chances of finding a mate by having the hounder-hounder talk all sisters to reject you at the a$$emblies behind your back or by being forced to recite an embarrassing confession (which might not even be true) at a Grand Boasting Session, so you can join that Ministerial Training Crap "School(??)".

    Also, ask any of the children who were abused while in the Tower. Ask the people that died or suffered serious harm because they could not have a blood transfusion or organ transplant when such were needed. Ask those in Malawi about the party card scam. Ask those whose children just couldn't give up all the things that define childhood so they could serve acceptably, and thus received beatings. Ask anyone that has ever been seriously hurt while out in field circus. You think those people could find some harm from serving the Watchtower Society?

  • chickpea

    maybe following the teachings of the bible might not be harmful, but certainly there are interpretations that can be classified as such....

    that question is too open ended, making an answer in the affirmative look like a rejection of the bible itself.... the fallacy of a loaded question ( have you stopped beating your wife?)

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Will following the Watchtower Society ever cause you harm? Yes. If you go to meetings, you lose value in the amount of the expenditure put in to get to that meeting and stay there, including time spent preparing, in excess of the benefit you get by being there.

    My Economics professor would say what you described here would be in fact the "Opportunity Cost" of goin to meetings. It is in effect the trade off and potential losses you suffer in order to attend a meeting. Hence, if you go to a meeting you miss watching Smallville, Supernatural, and at least part of TMZ. And as you mentioned your prep time is taking away from other things of value. By studying lets say two hours on Friday night you could miss out on watching The Ghost Whisperer AND MOONLIGHT!

    Nice post!

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