"I can't see the reasoning here. If smoking is banned at the cinema, workplace, wherever, why is it OK for smokers to inflict their nasty pong on people who enjoy a beer sometimes?"
Because smoking ISN'T banned in the pub you frequent.
Simple answer, but an accurate one.
Why should someone not smoke if they are somewhere it is allowed to smoke?
I think it is really unreasonable to expect people not to do things they are allowed to do. If you have a beef, beef to the landlord. If it is anyone's fault, it is his, as he or she hasn't banned smoking.
AH, but maybe most people in the pub DON'T mind that much. Maybe the number of people who would stop going if they banned smoking is greater than the number of people who they would gain as customers. How terrible... market forces, a two-edged sword...
Cinema's, workplaces and planes you are sat down, no escape, it is justifiable to go ban smoking.
But in places you can move round a corner, sit in a non-smoking section, or elect not to go to and to patronise an establishment which bans smoking I think that non-smokers are the ones who are being unreasonable by seeking bans against smoking in public places.
The point of view 'smokers are inconsiderate' can be turned right around, and only really works if you are prepared to accept smoking is less good than not smoking. Why should smokers suffer the inconvenience of not smoking due to some inconsiderate non-smokers?
To some non-smokers, public place seems to mean 'somewhere I go and have absolute right to make sure everyone behaves like I do'.
Nice, very nice... how... free....
Keep on rocking in the free world...