You know we hear it all the time. Witnesses are persecuted by Satan, and this is one of the signs of the 'true religion'. They love to quote WWII and the concentration camps, but really only 5,000 died versus 6 millions Jews. Are JW's really persecuted worse than any other faith?
Are Witnesses really persecuted?
by Robert7 20 Replies latest jw friends
Sure they are. They are persecuted by themselves then blame in on everyone else. It's a catch 22 you say "satan will peresecute all of gods REAL followers with sever headaches!" Then you slam your head in the door and oh yeah if you DON'T slam your head in the door you can't be part of our religion.
So sure they act like cultish a$$holes and then when people hate them they say "see see the bible says that we'll be hated!"
yea...but if you go around dogmaticly correcting everyone in your neighborhood's opinion about religion and patriotism you are bound to get your butt kicked.
history shows that 90% of JW persecution is self inficted with no real basis in doctine.
Just talked to JW family member that got fired from his job last week......
He truly beleives along with his wife that Satan has been attacking him by using management and making trouble for him.
The usual story wiht the JW's is that when things go wrong satan is attacking them personally, when things go well
jehovah is personally involved in their lives.
Yes they do have a persecution complex
Persecuted? Yes! Every day by the WTBTS...
They all have a persecution complex. It's part of the mental illness of the entire organization brought on by their doctrines and methods of indoctrination, imo.
From the Urban Dictionary: Once you start believing that the whole world is against you, you begin to justify your abominable actions by the presumed hostility of the world. Mind you, it's a great way to not only make enemies, but also an excellent way of making people reject your beliefs and idealogy.
totally self inflicted! it's like the guy who had beer goggles on all night who wakes in the morning wanting to chew his arm off rather than moving it out from under the beast he slept with the night before and waking her up. JW's have religion goggles on and anything they see is under the veil of "persecution." And I love how everything bad that ever happens is satan's fault. If that's true than "satan" also hates alllllllllll the people in "his world" because the rest of humanity has the same problems as dubs.
As a child I went through three years of a little elementary school gang persecuting me: "You won't have a blood transfusion! You're gonna die! I'd run away if my parents were Jehovah's Witnesses!" Every day for months on end, every recess, every lunch.
Then we moved. I didn't answer questions about my family's religion after that.
Also in grade school (4th grade): a teacher would on almost a daily basis verbally abuse me, yelling, in front of the class, that I was evil for not saluting the flag. She physically assaulted me twice - physically pulled me in front of the flag, forced my hand to my chest, yelled the words at me to repeat. Slapped me once. I was transferred out of that class.
I was such a born victim - bullies gravitated to me since I would not fight back. Until the one day in 6th grade I snapped and...well, no one picked on me after that.
Voideater......EYUP! Persecuted in school, until I decided I wasn't going to be differant. I was going to be like them and be LIKED by them. Worked like a charm. OH! And I too beat up all of my bullies, with a PASSION. Kicked butts, 4 of them to be exact. I got alot of respect after that ....
On the side of jws being persecuted for persecution sake....They love it. And as afore mentined, they bring it on themselves.. They set themselves up for it. Can't work tonight. Can't work saturday. No overtime tonight. 4 days off for convention. Gotta leave early, have apart tonight. Won't walk picket line. Won't donate to the United Way. Christmas, OH I don't celebrate that. Birthday cake??? Can't eat it, might get my head chopped off. You name it, they'll be persecuted for it. At their own behest.
Persecuted? No way. If anything the JWs are just an annoying pest. The worst they're going to get done to them is get told to f**koff on someones doorstep on a Sunday morning or someone having a cheeky stab at them at School or the workplace.
They like to think they're persecuted so it fits in with the bible when it speaks of Jesus followers being 'hated'. But no they are not hated, the only time JWs are hated by someone is when they let their children die through refusing them a blood transfusion. That's the only time people might take an exceptional bitter dislike toward them.