Brother and Sister Marry Each Other Unknowingly--

by YoursChelbie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoursChelbie

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    Separated-at-birth twins get married

    2 hours, 57 minutes ago

    Twins who were separated at birth and adopted by different sets of parents later married each other without realising they were brother and sister, a peer has told the House of Lords.

    David Alton, an independent, pro-life member of the Lords, said the brother and sister were granted an annulment after a high court judge ruled that the marriage had never validly existed.

    The Catholic politician -- who discovered the case after talking to a judge -- used it to highlight perceived deficiencies in the government's proposed Human Embryology and Tissues Bill, which is currently going through parliament.

    The bill is designed to make it easier for lesbian and gay couples to have children through assisted reproduction, recognising same-sex partners as legal parents of babies conceived through donated sperm, eggs or embryos.

    But it contains no provision to require the identity of the donor to be disclosed, potentially meaning a child could not be told they were conceived by assisted reproduction.

    Alton raised the case of the married twins -- who were born after IVF treatment -- during a debate on December 10, details of which only appeared on Friday.

    "There are implications for everybody involved, but the needs of the child will always be paramount, and it is right that we should therefore make the process as transparent as possible," Alton told the Lords.

    IVF -- which increases the chances of multiple births -- meant such cases could become more common if the law does not require children to be told they were donor conceived and have access to their genetic history, he said.

    "The right of children to know the identity of their biological parents is a human right," he added Friday.

    "There will be more cases like this if children are not given access to the truth. The needs of the child must always be paramount."

    The identities of the twins and details of their relationship and marriage have been kept secret, but it was known they were separated soon after birth and never told they were twins.

    They only discovered they were blood relatives after the wedding.

    Copyright © 2008 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved. The information contained in the AFP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of Agence France Presse.

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  • bite me
    bite me

    I can see why some states require blood tests. I am glad I did not need one. I hate needles! Why do some states require while others don't, and is the purpose to see if you will have a healthy child?

  • DanTheMan

    Wow, how do you break that news to somebody?

  • stillajwexelder

    I know people dont like Big Brother State - but legally having to put not only mother but also biological father on birth certificate would be a start

  • RR

    The same thing happened in New York about 20 years ago. Except they knew they were brother and sister. Apparently they were put up for adoption (not twins) and found each other, they decided to meet at the NY public library on 5th avenue and when they saw each other, they didn't see brother and sister, but boy and girl, fell in love and got married. they were found out by family taken to court. The judge annulled the marriage and told them that he couldn't stop them from living together and strongly suggested they NOT have children.

  • Priest73

    "Yer my sister, Yer my sister." -Joe Dirt.

  • dawg

    So what? Joe Dirt has sex with his sister in that movie....

    I'm having a hard time understanding the link between "making it easier for same sex couples to have childern" and telling a child who his bilological parents are? How does that give same sex couples more access to childbirth.... anyway, I may be a little off tonight? I have a brand new bottle of wild turkey

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    Go joe dirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    big d

  • Gregor

    They only discovered they were blood relatives after the wedding.

    That's a nice way of saying "They didn't know about being twins (surely not identical?) until they had done the dirty deed". Yikes! Wasn't this situation a part of the plot of Gladiator?

    Dawg, Is that bottle of Wild Turkey still virgin?

  • Junction-Guy

    Ok, so here's a question, I dont ever remember seeing anything like this in a Watchtower.

    What if 2 JW's got married and discovered they were brother and sisters due to adoption. Would they be allowed to have a divorce? Would the same rules apply? or would they be told they have to remain married?

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