Your analysis fails both factually and logically.
Not all Christian writings are written by Jews. Was Paul a Jew? Even much of the OT is borrowed and/or influenced by surrounding older and contemporaneous myth/legend/religion and cultures.
The NT is comprised of what those in power decided was to be included in it. This was by no means a unanamous decision, and there was much fighting and political wrangling involved in the final decisions. There are also several versions of the NT -- the Roman and its decendents (Protestant or Post-Reformation) of which most in the West are familiar, the Eastern Orthodox, the Syrian, the Ethiopian and more, depending on what those churches decided to include or exclude from their final Canon.
From what I understand, the Qu'ran is not base upon the Bible. Rather Muslims (being an Abrahamic tradition) recognize the Old and New Testaments as holy, but put final authority with the Qu'ran, which according to the Muslim faith is based upon the visions of Muhammed. Of course, Muhammed was probably familiar with and influenced by the Bible.
I think the point is that those who control the information, how to interpret the information, and what one is allowed to investigate and/or question have enormous power. This is often done by claiming some special authority, through coersion and manipulation (the use of guilt or promises of a better future), the control of education and who is allowed or not allowed and education, or the use of outright violence. Blaming everything on the Jews smacks of paranoia and anti-Semitism.