Control religion

by garybuss 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    "The way to control religion is to control the sacred writings"

    This why all religion share that "Degreed control" they all follow a "holy book" some are High control and others are not, but the control is there- we are all under some type of "group/peer control" that is life the difference is someone is not running around trying to envoke "god" as the reason for the control-

    to convince a person that this or that is being done in THE NAME OF THE LORD/ALLAH, ETC is the greatest trick one can pull.

    I understand why we need religion- the bible/koran,etc.

    it give man HOPE and without a hope regardless of whether it's true or not we all need a hope to some extent
    and the best type of hope is one connected to a supreme being

    that one works everytime almost


  • sf



  • garybuss

    Hi Sirona

    You wrote: <Does that mean we should reject ALL religion? NO, in my opinion. >

    I am glad you have found something that makes your life better. I do enjoy the food at the churches and attend food functions when invited. To reject all religion for me would involve rejecting some good food. Not a good idea for me.

    To James.
    I could have written; all religion ( that I am aware of) is about control.
    Thanks for replying.

    To CPiolo

    Yes. To get a person to submit to information is the key. Then all a guru has to do is control the information. I am aware of some forms of government that have done just that. Thanks. Hope you have a good week.

    To Mum,

    Action has worked wonders to ward off my feelings of helplessness. Of all the things in my life I have had to accept, reality has been among the hardest. Best wishes to you.

  • Satanus


    Christans sacred writings were all written by jews anywhere from 2-3000 yrs ago, per your statement, all christians are controlled by those jews.

    Mohammed based his koran on the bible. He was controled by those jews and he controls muslims.

    Conclusion: All christians and all muslims, some of whom are now engaged in a holy war with each other, are controled by the same jews who wrote the bible.

    Isn't god great?


  • CPiolo


    Your analysis fails both factually and logically.

    Not all Christian writings are written by Jews. Was Paul a Jew? Even much of the OT is borrowed and/or influenced by surrounding older and contemporaneous myth/legend/religion and cultures.

    The NT is comprised of what those in power decided was to be included in it. This was by no means a unanamous decision, and there was much fighting and political wrangling involved in the final decisions. There are also several versions of the NT -- the Roman and its decendents (Protestant or Post-Reformation) of which most in the West are familiar, the Eastern Orthodox, the Syrian, the Ethiopian and more, depending on what those churches decided to include or exclude from their final Canon.

    From what I understand, the Qu'ran is not base upon the Bible. Rather Muslims (being an Abrahamic tradition) recognize the Old and New Testaments as holy, but put final authority with the Qu'ran, which according to the Muslim faith is based upon the visions of Muhammed. Of course, Muhammed was probably familiar with and influenced by the Bible.

    I think the point is that those who control the information, how to interpret the information, and what one is allowed to investigate and/or question have enormous power. This is often done by claiming some special authority, through coersion and manipulation (the use of guilt or promises of a better future), the control of education and who is allowed or not allowed and education, or the use of outright violence. Blaming everything on the Jews smacks of paranoia and anti-Semitism.


  • CPiolo

    Oops, double post. Sorry.

  • Satanus


    Yes, paul was a jew, probably a pharisee.-phil3:5

    'much of the OT is borrowed and/or influenced by surrounding older and contemporaneous myth/legend/religion and cultures' True, although faithful fundamentalist types will not accept this. Their claim is that the bible is god inspired. The jews incorporated selected strains of the above in their own writings. By making it part of their sacred scriptues/culture/belief system, it bacame part of the jewish sacred writings. Since they incorporated it, i am considering it jewish. Rom3:2 claims the sacred writings were entrusted to the jews.

    Was mohammed inspired to write the koran, or did he base it on the bible? He may have been spiritual, i don't know, but comparing the stories in the two books, i would say he borrowed from the bible.

    Call it what you want, according to the above analysis, the koran indirectly and the bible directly originated w the jews.


  • garybuss

    Hi SaintSatan

    Yes the influence of the Hebrew people runs deep and strong. Their writings have influenced generations of prophets. I am a revenant reader of their history and a fan of their intelligence and honesty.

    I did read the Koran and to me, it carries the same message as the Hebrew as well as the Christian Bible. There are many wise scriptures in the Koran as well as the Christian and the Hebrew Bibles. I am getting less fussy about where wisdom comes from I guess.

    An interesting point for me is the reference to <The Bible> as if there is just one accepted Bible. The books excluded from the Christian Bible make excellent reading for me. In one story the woman who touched Jesus' diapers was healed. Think of a religion based on that scripture.

    Happy week to you.

  • Satanus


    'Have you found a church that serves good food, you have found a good thing.' Fubar3:17 scriptures of nathan natas


  • Ranchette

    Interesting comments.
    I feel they apply to all organized religion.

    When I speak of religion I am usually refering to organized religions that have members and seek new ones.Have churches etc...

    I believe a person can be very spiritual and have personal beliefs with complete freedom.
    Some people would call this religion but I prefer to call it spirituality and personal belief systems.Some of these belief systems have specific names but I don't feel comfortable lumping them in with all the rest for some reason.

    That may be what's happening here?
    Just a difference in definitions?
    Maybe I dont know what I'm talking about?


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