As a Witness I Hated Personal Study- How About You ?

by flipper 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • wildfell

    Hello Mr. Flipper. Thanks for the welcome! Yes, I agree with you that one does not need an organisation to worship God. I have come to understand that very clearly this last year or so. It is also amazing me that after being a jw for over 20 years, I realised that I know almost nothing about the Bible. I know isolated texts, I have no context. All of those hours of study, meetings, field service . . . I shouldn't dwell on it too much or I get depressed.

    Also, the boredom was a real killer, but now I am BORED NO MORE!!!

  • flipper

    WILDFELL- You are very welcome here ! I look forward to more of your posts ! I too really enjoyed reading the Bible more than the witness publications . I didn't like all the Bible- but enjoy the common sense wisdom stuff like the Proverbs or Ecclesiates. Some of that reasonable stuff works today ! Also I liked the Book of James- how it dissed people who caused class distinctions !Too bad the witnesses didn't apply it ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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