WELCOME NEWBIES - all of you! Check in here, I'm losing track of you.

by AWAKE&WATCHING 62 Replies latest jw friends


    I just saw the eighth post by botheyesopen. I noticed AliciaJ, Dogaradodya, chicken little, cognac, Hypnotic, MochaLatte.

    Some have been welcomed and some have not.

    We have so many I can't keep up so...

    W E L C O M E to A L L N E W B I E S

    Post a little something so if we missed welcoming you we can do so now.

  • JK666


    Is momma hen collecting her chickies?


  • cognac


  • flipper

    I agree , yeah , yeah, right on ya'll !!! Welcome all you newbies yes ! Big hugs totally ! You are in a safe place here. We have been where you have been. I just want to say after seeing BOTHEYESOPEN new posts - this guy should run for president ! He is smart, able and willing to help with great advice ! He already helped myself and another poster with great advice ! See how valuable our Newbie friends are ? Newbie is only a temporary title. They are really, many of them very wise folks coming out of the cult, and I for one am glad to have fresh new blood on the board which will only enhance the feedback we can each give one another and assistance as well ! Good thread A&W ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper


    John - I hate not noticing someone new is here, you know how I feel about southern hospitality LOL

  • AshtonCA

    I joined back in 2005 but I haven't been on the board since, but decided to come back and join yall since I'm more stable in my beliefs after leaving the org and my mom's crazy beliefs behind. Now I can handle talking about my JW past and not get sick at the thought of it :) I've posted my testimony in my bio if you wanna take a peak at who I am. Am glad to be here with yall... Ashton


    Welcome Ashton - I have an old thread asking people to post something on their profile that I dredge up again every 4-6 weeks. I always get more results so I'll probably keep it up.

    I'm so glad you are doing better and we are happy you have you here. This place helps healing and is full of caring and compassionate people.

  • sisowuzzy

    Newbie here. Thanks for the warm welcome. I initiated a post the other day wondering if the dubs will even exist in 10 years. I have lurked here for several years, but never posted until a couple of days ago. Over the past few years, the hold the WT had over me has disappeared...well, mostly. Because of family still "in" I am circumspect about some of my activities (like Christmas), but largely I'm just living my life. Recently widowed, that life has taken a new path, of course. All the plans we had as a happy married couple no longer interest me, and I'm working on finding that new direction. Meanwhile, being out of the borg is the best! Had been one of those sisters who really did deep research, did it because I genuinely wanted to be pleasing to God, wanted to know the deeper truths. Looking back on all those many years now, I shake my head in bewilderment. What was I thinking??? I find I no longer need the reassurance that I found here initially, but you'll never know how much it meant to me at first. You all helped me to see that it was okay to walk away, that there was life after the intellectual "death" of their mind control.

    What I DO still crave is some hint that the organization is crumbling, so periodically, I peek back in here and read posts from more recent escapees (I've been inactive, not DF'd, for about 11 years). What are the current witchhunts? What new ridiculous stance has the GB taken of late? What latest scandals? These are the things I look for when I peruse this Board. Call it vindictive (it is) and small minded (yep, guilty), but I take real pleasure in each one of you who has escaped their clutches. I had so many Bible studies at one time, a number of whom were baptized. I'd like to pull them all back out!

    Hey, I do have one question: are they still using the same songbook as they had in, say, 1999?




    So good to have you here, keep reading and keep posting girlfriend.

  • momzcrazy


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