I wonder how many persons there are that had they got caught, would've been disfellowshipped for what they were doing. By JW standards, should you have been disfellowshipped by now???
Other Than For "Apostasy", Should You Have Been Df'd By Now?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
Yep, married a "worldly" man and had sex with him before marriage.
The only other thing they could get me for is the things I smoke. Other than the werewolf game I haven't even had too much to drink
I'm quite a lush in the game, among other things.
ironic eh...all the time i was df-ed i did nothing wrong
since being reinstated i should be dfed over and over.
Yep. Lessee: Drunkeness, immorality, idolatry, blasphemy, not following spiritual direction, lying, avarice, education, smoking, gambling, spiritism, loose conduct and anger.
And that was just on the drive home from work last night!
I think perhaps they could publicly reprove me, or more likely pay me a visit (sheperding call), but I'm not doing anything 'disfellowshipable'.
Although had it been solely up to me, I would have been engaging in at least one 'disfellowshipable' activity...
No. I had been inactive for a couple years, and irregular at meeting. But other than that I was in good standing. Do the holidays count? Since I DA'd though I've done a couple DFing offences. Good times!
The WBT$ and I both own shares in the Rand Cam Engine Corp..The WBT$ owns 50% of Rand Cam..Rand Cam does business with the Military......If the WBT$ ever finds out we both own shares in Rand Cam..The WBT$ will toss both me and themselves out of their organization........
I mentioned this to my JW bud and he said it's a different Jehovahs Witness org. What a joke! That company has an office right here in our town.
Don't know.
I joined a church.
Would that get me DF'd by the cult?