This is a large real estate corporation with shares in the company. If you could buy shares of the company, you must own 50% plus one to be a majority shareholder. Not sure if this applies here or not. Some shares are public, some are private. Money talks, bullshit walks.
Will there ever be a leadership coup at Watchtower headquarters?
by Must obey! 13 Replies latest jw friends
In my best English accent, Not Bloodly likely.
I do predict in the next ten years, there will be a lot of changes, and theoritical changes and a falling away. But as in all mind controlled religions, there are too many people that "need" for things to run the way it does, so no real leadership changes. There will have to be a head.
I tend to agree with above we don't want a coup the wrong guys will win it. Like they have in the past.
This organization rewards bad ideas and punishes good ones. Why would we expect any better from a coup.
It's a cronyism at it's worst. He who smiles the most, kisses the most butt, and rubs the most flesh moves up no questions as long as you are good at hiding skeletons. Which is another thing that helps you move up fast.
When the original corporation was formed the number votes depended on who had the most invested. That is why Russell was not the first president of original publishing company, (he did not have the controlling number of votes). Conely owned more stock and therefore was the first president because he controlled the vote.
Soon after the corporation began Russell had enough invested to control the votes and had the majority interest until his death,(thus retaining the presidency). When he died he willed his majority voting interest to different people,(I think five different women, not to Rutherford). In order for Rutherford to obtain the presidency he in effect did a hostile takeover of the corporation. At that time there were quite a few that separated from the group over the scandal that ensued.
Today it is the legal dept. that has most of the control. They even censur the printed literature and and make changes they feel would be appropriate.
You tell me. Who is in control? Not the figurehead GFB.
jimbo of the (follow the money class)