You know it's the Truth though right?

by freedomfighter 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    " You know it's the Truth though right? "

    Thats a very typical response spoken from JWS when getting in contact with them

    which is really to be expected given their programing

    Just smile and say absolutely, it really catches them off guard, then walk away smiling

  • ButtLight

    You know, its funny. My sister and I are both df'd, and have been for a very long time. But we always use to say to each other "I know its the truth, and I will always believe that!" Funny how fast you can change your mind by a click of the mouse!

  • Layla33

    Just ask them my little questions,

    "Thank you, can you answer a question for me, 'What religion is God'?'"

    I have stumped over 98% of religious types with this question. And then I say why thank you, but my truth is God is not a religion, religion is all about men imperfectly trying to interpret God. The real truth is that he is looking at hearts and minds and how we treat one another, not some silly title. Have a wonderful blessed day.

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    "Just smile and say absolutely, it really catches them off guard, then walk away smiling"

    That was a good one. Thanks

  • nomoreguilt

    Oh, yeah, It's the truth and "jehovah's people are HAPPY people ", yeah, give me a break.


  • logic

    My question is to all jws , when in the history of the society , did it become the real truth. They admit that they have made changes so does that make the old not true. Obviously with all the changes in the generation thing all of them can't be right. The jws always say it is the truth. It is illogical for it to always have been the truth, unless you are in the twilight zone.

  • beksbks

    When I would see witnesses that I hadn't seen in some time, they would invariably say "ohhhh I'm so sorry" when they heard I was no longer one!

  • worldtraveller

    Anyone that asks that stupid question, the answer is always-

    I know that Jesus is the truth. That's what the bible tells us.

  • flipper

    FREEDOM FIGHTER- The reason these witnesses tell this to you is they are deceived and under " cult mind control". They are like clones-all alike being fooled and don't realize it

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Exactly. Their minds are no longer their own.

    It is a pre-programmed comment.

    I can't think of too many things less truthful than the aura that surrounds the JW faith. Other religions are just plain wrong, but few are as deceitful, manipulative, and disingenuine as the WT org.

    This is what makes them particularly represhensible as far as Christian religions are concerned.

    The Oracle

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