Interesting story from The Godless north AKA Canada. Make sure you read the bottom part where the equator used to be in northern Canada.
Mike Huckabee now admits evolution theory has validity
by worldtraveller 24 Replies latest jw friends
Thank goodness
I just love it when the media spends time on things that don't matter. What does he think of federalism? What is his foreign policy? Who cares whether he believes in evolution or not? Wouldn't this fall fairly close to a "religious test" for office? I just think there are more important things to consider for our candidates.
daniel-p, if he thought the sun went around the earth you may see it differently.
Saying something like that should get people questioning his IQ and ability to look at evidence- good qualities to have in a president, surely?
Saying something like that should get people questioning his IQ and ability to look at evidence- good qualities to have in a president, surely?
Most of us on this board did not believe in evolution - that doesn't mean we all had a low IQ - it just means we used our intelligence to explain away the evidence. While I can see your viewpoint on the matter, I also don't think its of significance in the grand scheme of things when choosing a president. For me, whether or not someone believes in evolution is a little too personal, and doesn't strongly indicate one thing or another. You would have to assume a whole lot about someone's character in order to make it useful information.
"For me, whether or not someone believes the sun goes around the earth is a little too personal, and doesn't strongly indicate one thing or another. You would have to assume a whole lot about someone's character in order to make it useful information."
Looks like this person needs to go to school again before taking up presidential work, but that's just my opinion. Thanks for your views.
"For me, whether or not someone believes the sun goes around the earth is a little too personal, and doesn't strongly indicate one thing or another. You would have to assume a whole lot about someone's character in order to make it useful information."
Looks like this person needs to go to school again before taking up presidential work, but that's just my opinion. Thanks for your views.
Not believing in evolution isn't the same as believing the sun goes around the earth. You're trying to reduce my argument to absurdity. Again, to reiterate, we all believed at one time that God created the earth and a global flood happened. That doesn't mean we were all stupid and needed to go back to school. But that we found a way to rationalize away the evidence through our faith. That in itself, indicates little, if anything, about a person's inherent intelligence. It's a cheap shot to say it does. I'm not trying to defend Huckabee - I'll likely drop dead before I vote for him. But this argument smacks of unfairness - not accounting for the power of ones' faith and the fact that - last I heard - it's not illegal to believe in something that scientists don't teach.
maybe he just feels the need to pander to the godless science crowd? He is a politician after all.
Not believing in evolution isn't the same as believing the sun goes around the earth
It is really. People used to take that on faith too. I think you're right about whether it makes him stupid or not. He can be smart and refuse to accept something he doesn't like. I'd still question his ability to look at evidence.
pander to the godless science crowd
Nothing about godless. Plenty of Christians have found a way to accept evolution. It's just about what's real or not.
sorry... i forgot to put that "tounge in cheek ' icon up near the godless science crack............