We got kittens !!

by Simon 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostatebuster

    Poor poor kittens. Growin up with apostates. No doubt they will shed too much and tear up the furniture from their misery. I will pray to Jehovah for these poor lost cats.

  • Michael3000

    Congrats, Simon! What's fatherhood like?

    A warning: Keep those newborns away from Alf & Fredhall!


    "Any day spent NOT knocking on doors is a good day!"

  • Simon

    Ok ISP... 'Dead Cat' joke:
    A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he'd found a dead cat.

    "How do you know it was dead?" she asked.

    "Because I pissed in his ear and it didn't move," said the child
    "You did WHAT?!?" squealed the teacher in surprise.

    "You know," explained the boy, "I leaned over and went 'Pssst' and he
    didn't move."

    So far so good - they are adorable. Just been playing with ping-pong balls with them

    Naturally, we will teach the kittens the way of the dark side, LOL

  • RedhorseWoman

    Keep working on it, Simon. You have a ways to go, however. We have 7 cats, 2 dogs, 2 chinchillas, 4 fishes, 4 finches, and 3 horses. Need some help in building up your zoo?

  • think41self

    I'm no psychologist....and I don't even play one on T.V.

    But I have observed that people who prefer cats over dogs tend to have certain personality traits. I'm not saying they're better than dog lovers...just different. Dogs accept you unconditionally...they even love you if you beat them! (not that I'm suggesting that) but a cat you have to work for their affection. And they're so fiercely independent. I love it.

    Anyway, in my book, a man who liked cats was always a man who could park his shoes under my bed anytime. Woohoo!


    Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!

  • Simon

    we-hey! (off to get more kittens)

  • larc


    It's good to have two cats. Me and my wife (old what's her name) used to have two cats, an all white one and and all black one. Once a day they would decide to run around the house chasing each other and get into a wrestling match. Alas, they have both gone to kitty heaven, and we need to get two more. Last spring my wife said that we would get them in the Fall. Well, fall is here, and I am going to have to make an issue of this. Wish me well. I hate to have get a divorce over a cat disagreement. It is probably unscriptural.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    There is just something about a man who likes cats!! Simon, great minds must think alike. I brought two cats to Thinker and I's (bad English) union. They promptly abandoned me for Thinker. They absolutely worship the ground he walks on. Prissy is eighteen and very aptly named. Blossom is eight and I always say no flower.
    We just adopted a baby who is somewhere around eight weeks old. His new name is Joey. He is a striped multi-colored tabby. Love him to death. Oh but Lord, it is just like having a baby, except for he can walk and run already!!
    Congratulations! Good choice to get two. We had a hard time picking too. Wish we had a barn, probably would have a hundred.

  • Angharad


    I know what you mean about the defying gravity, one of them has just walked up my clothes and sat on my shoulder.

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