In my new search for truth, I'm back to my old routine of getting my 7+ different Bibles out and comparing them all. Which one have you chosen, if at all, and why?
What Bible do you use?
by OMG! Now What? 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
I am currently using the New American Standard Version. My neighbor gave me one that their old preacher had published with great notes for every verse. And it is a literal translation, so it isn't quite as conversational. I like it, but I am used to searching for scriptures in my old NWT. So I sometimes find the one I want and look it up in the new Bible.
In my new search for truth, I'm back to my old routine of getting my 7+ different Bibles out and comparing them all. Which one have you chosen, if at all, and why?
The New Jerusalem Bible in English is what is at my bedside. I like the way it translates. It is easy to read and conserves the divine name in the Hebrew portion. Also, it contains the deuterocanonicals. That said I have more versions in my bookcase than I can remember right now. I even still keep a copy of the NWT reference edition LOL. The footnotes can be useful LOL.
Burn -
confused and lost
Ive ditched my NWT and now use the English Standard Version.I use it at the meetings aswell as the Kingdom interlinear.So far no one has questioned me over this but no doubt the time will come.
I use that big 8-ball you shake for the answer....................................................oompa......more accurate
I use that big 8-ball you shake for the answer....................................................oompa......more accurate
Looks like oompa has crossed over to the ranks of the bashers.
I use a whole pile of them, for comparison.
Generally I use the New World Translation, simply because it's built into the WT library and thus easily accessible.
But I also use a LOT.
Lore - What.Would.Satan.Do?
bite me
I use as it has different versions on it.
Hardbound bibles I use KJV, NKJV, NIV, and a pile of others. Why? because I like to compare them. I use the 4 in one as well so I don't have to have a lot of bibles with me at one time. :0)
New Jerusalem all the way. It is modern English with great references.
bite me
I like to see a good translation that includes all the verses as KJV (not to say that I'm KJV only-- I am not) even though it is "not found in older manuscripts" la di da