Are you all trying to excuse your actions? I mean I was just wondering from what I have seen. Mabey you guys aren't really excusing yourself, but it sure sounds like it.
by Honesty 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Are you all trying to excuse your actions? I mean I was just wondering from what I have seen. Mabey you guys aren't really excusing yourself, but it sure sounds like it.
Actualy,i have a small buisness onthe side,in which i DO forgive unforgivable sins..for 20$ and a nice new set of danelectro strings,you too,can be,i was given this power/gift,in a dream..yeah,thats it,in a , the holy spirit! yeah,thats it,the holt,if any of you all have any sins that are particularly troubling to you?give me a pm,and im thinnk we can work something feeling particularly inspired today.pardons for everyone!!!!!
Are you all trying to excuse your actions? I mean I was just wondering from what I have seen. Mabey you guys aren't really excusing yourself, but it sure sounds like it.-Aleman
Do you have like a random sentence generator? What does your statement have to do with the points made?
The point is that the watchtower clearly stated that going against it is the unforgiveable sin. They also state that they are the same organization that was around during the first century. The bible states that Paul fought against the early congregation. So, if going against that organization was the unforgiveable sin, Paul wouldn't have qualified to later be an apostle.
Those who fight Jehovah’s visible organization, upon which his spirit is manifest, sin against the holy spirit, unforgivably so.June 1, 1952 Watchtower magazine page 349 paragraph 26
Tula, I think you really did this time. You nuked the bOrg central offices! Well, a near miss anyway, the pressure front will get there.
..for 20$ and a nice new set of danelectro strings,you too,can be,i was given this power/gift
AGIRL!!!! Its a JIP!!!! I got my sins cleared up for FREE!!!!! Want me to tell you by whom???? Didnt cost a cent All I did was a bit of kneeology!!! & LO & BEHOLD!!!! They are GONE Then I received a message at Romans 8: 1
The most unforgivable sin -- watching the Jerry Springer show regularly.
Great post tula!
Will have a look at what else you have to say :)