I too was always nervous when I crossed the border, for no reason at all. So I analyze stuff.
The border questioners, are well trained. T
First of all they do random checks, some they let through on one or two questions. If you said you were just going across to do cross border shopping, which he knows many people say, to hide their true destination. He throws at you immediately "Don't lie to me" and puts you on the defensive.
Each one of your answers triggered further questioning.
You answer: going to Virginia, red flag Virginia is a long way from Canada.
You: I'm visiting friends, red flag, long way to go to visit friends.
You: organization, big red fllag, a big group is involved, not just relatives, or girl friend.
You: religious organization, another big red flag, terrorists are religious,
You; used to be JW .....JWs no problem, used to be...redflag
You: nothing ..... small red flag, he wants to know where you are at now.
You: they lied...... red flag, animosity indicated, evil?
You: not all evil.... green flag showing up,
He leaves you back in neutral, have an nice trip.
This is just a scenario to show you all his questions have a purpose. He also supports his questions by obsverving you body language, demeanor, agitation and physical contents of your car, baggage etc.