any current JW's can you tell me .......

by grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    it seems that no current JW's can answer this for me ? they seem to avoid the question like the plague and i dont know why ? is there any current JW's out there that know this answer ?

    if jesus took his throne in heaven in 1914 and directed his attention to earth at that time; how did he inspect the annointed and select them in 1919 ?

    did angels do it for him ?

    i would really like to know this answer please any current JW's help me understand jesus and 1914 ?

  • Cordelia

    i asked my dad fthat very question, he said that at the time they were the only org doing what he asked, even tho they celebrated birthdays etc, apparently still they were the closest christ got!!! after all they're imperfect!!!!!

    love to know the answer to this myself, please pm me if you get it, x

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I don't quite understand your question. I would think the answer is rather simple as they feel Jesus is quite omnipotent. So why couldn't he inspect the religions around the world? It's like asking someone who believes that Jesus answered a prayer how it could be possible. It just is to them, there is no more proof of Jesus inspecting the WTS then there is of Jesus being real.

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    so according to JW's Jesus can be at two places at once earth/heaven ?

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Well according to JW's he is simply ruling over earth, in a very uh next door neighbor watching your house sort of way. You know he will call the cops if and when he feels like investigating what all that noise is about. I just don't see how based on most Christian theology there would be a problem with a god doing this.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Here are some brief quotes. Note the detailed explanation:

    6 From the time Christ’s presence began and down to 1918, the slave class, despite unpopularity, persecution, and even some confusion, had been seeking to give timely food to the domestics. This is what the Master found when his inspection began. The Lord Jesus was pleased, and in 1919 he pronounced that faithful approved slave class happy. What was the slave’s delightful reward for doing what his Master had appointed him to do? A promotion! Yes, larger responsibilities were given in advancing his Master’s interests. Since the Master was now a heavenly King, why, then, his earthly belongings became even more precious.

    7 So, what are “all his belongings”? These are all the spiritual assets on earth that have become Christ’s property in connection with his authority as heavenly King. This definitely included the commission to make disciples of Christ, with the grand privilege of acting as representatives of God’s established Kingdom to all the nations of the world. - the WATCHTOWER, May 1, 1993, page 17, "EXPANDED ACTIVITIES DURING CHRIST’S PRESENCE"


    18 With the clergy and their flocks in such an off-guard attitude destruction will befall them “suddenly,” yes, as if “in a moment.” (Jer. 4:20; 6:25, 26) Since the close of World War I in 1918 a thorough inspection of Christendom has been made by Jehovah, and shortly, at his appointed time, he must give her due attention, just as he did to ancient Jerusalem. Then her self-confident religionists will stumble to their fall into destruction. Jehovah will make a clean sweep; there will be nothing to glean like leftovers. Whatever material things Jehovah has permitted them to acquire “will pass by them” and on into enemy hands.—Jer. 8:12, 13. - The WATCHTOWER, August 1, 1979, page 20,


    14 These words in Isaiah harmonize with two other prophetic utterances, the one recorded at Ezekiel 43:4, 6-9 and the other at Malachi 3:1-5. Both Ezekiel and Malachi foretell a time when Jehovah God comes to his temple. Malachi’s prophecy shows that Jehovah comes to inspect his house of pure worship and to act as a Refiner, rejecting those who misrepresent him. Ezekiel’s vision depicts Jehovah as entering the temple and demanding that all traces of immorality and idolatry be removed. In the modern-day fulfillment of these prophecies, there was an important spiritual development in 1918 in connection with Jehovah’s worship. Jehovah and Jesus evidently made an inspection of all of those claiming to represent pure worship. That inspection led to the final casting off of corrupt Christendom. For Christ’s anointed followers, the inspection meant a brief period of refinement followed by a swift spiritual restoration in 1919.—1 Peter 4:17. - ISAIAH'S PROPHECY (book 2001), Vol 2, chap 27, page 397.


    As Jesus began his inspection in 1918, the clergy of Christendom no doubt received an adverse judgment. Not only had they raised up persecution against God’s people but they had also incurred heavy bloodguilt by supporting the contending nations during the first world war. (Revelation 18:21, 24) Those clergymen then placed their hope in the man-made League of Nations. Along with the entire world empire of false religion, Christendom had fallen completely from God’s favor by 1919. - REVELATION CLIMAX (book 1988), Chapter 6, page 32.


    45 The parable of the “talents” pictured that when the traveler returned from abroad he would settle accounts with them. This meant an inspection of them. Quite logically, with that turn of events in the spring of 1919, it would be the due time for the heavenly “master of those slaves” to inspect them. But what account could they render with respect to his “talents” that had been committed to the slave class? Any increase that they may have gained prior to the climax of wartime persecution in 1918 seemed to have been wiped out. They were as if they had no figurative “talents” in their possession at all. If, now, they were to show any increase in their Master’s “talents,” they must produce this increase in the postwar period and render such increase of his belongings to him in the future. They must be given a new and further opportunity to ‘do business’ with his precious “talents.” This is just how it worked out historically, due to the merciful considerateness of their heavenly Master. - God's Kingdom Has Approached (book, 1973) chapter 12, page 231.

    The greatest detail in the above is that the 'slave" gave "timely food" to the "domestics."

    So we need to look into WHAT that "timely food" was. What were the publications of 1919 teaching?

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    so jesus is watching from heaven everywhere on the earth ?

    even though he is on the throne in heaven since 1914 he can see what i am doing ?

    does that mean that he can be in two places or all places at once ?

    when you say "a god" does that mean he has more powers than an angel?

    overall jesus personally inspected the annointed in 1919 from his throne whilst having the power to be on the earth at the same time?

  • freeme

    i would jump around the question because there is no answer in the bible so its just guessing.

  • still_in74

    if jesus took his throne in heaven in 1914 and directed his attention to earth at that time; how did he inspect the annointed and select them in 1919 ?

    probably the reason no one has an answer for you is because they dont understand why one would even ask the question. Any christian, trinitarian or not, would have no problem contemplating that Jesus could examine his "slave" or servants from Heaven.

    As for having angels do it.... why not? there is nothing in the scriptures to indicate that that presumption would be false. But if not, then could he do it from Heaven? Of course he can! The question is not one that would "stumble" anyone.... it has no value or importance even to a JW because it doesnt matter "how" or "where" he inspected them. It only matters that they believe he "did"


    Regardless of the answere, nothing changes.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The fact is, if you can believe in an invisible King Jesus sitting on a heavenly throne, you can believe ANYTHING.

    If you need details, make some up: they're as valid as any "details" an "elder" or anointed one" might give you, because all they're doing is making it up. If they tell you they're not, they're LIARS.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. In this case, there is no proof.

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