I really like the Queen as my avatar, and I think it's cute when someone calls me Queenie. And she has so many photos available to express any mood. But I have a new nickname now, Twit #3, and I'd really like to create an avatar in that spirit, but don't have any ideas. Any suggestions? Farkel? Let's see, have I pissed off anyone else? I'm sitting here chuckling more like an idiot than a twit, actually.
help me choose
by Hortensia 19 Replies latest jw friends
There is absolutely no way that a twit is a proper representative for a wonderful and classy lady like you. I'm going to have to stomp my feet and scream like a baby until you change your mind......
not just twit, but twit #3, I'm in line behind a couple of other folks!
Sometimes you get a two-fer.
I like the queen avatar for you.
God Save the Queen.
I really like the Queen as my avatar...
How about Queen of the Night? Aria from Act II of Mozart's opera "The Magic Flute"
I gotta say - that avatar now cracks me up and I think to priceless to let go...
I'm out of topics for today, but I have to congratulate you on your 3000th post......
Hortensia Re: Feeling sorry for the old time witnesses...wishing it were the "truth".
Post 3000 of 3000since 08-Dec-06It's OK to feel sorry for people who have made tragic choices. You can't rescue them from the consequences, but a little compassion doesn't hurt. I remember, when my mother knew she was dying, in the hospital, she talked very longingly about seeing her parents again in the resurrection. I don't believe that for a minute but it was so poignant that I wished for her sake that she would indeed see them again somehow. I don't believe in the resurrection, myself, or paradise earth, or life after death. But I don't see any point in forcing old people who have given their lives to the org. to face the truth. What's the point. It's tragic they have wasted so many opportunities for happiness -
..Twit#3..No..Not for you...........The Queen is more appropriate.......Do you have a pic of the Queens Bum?....You could still be the Queen and be funny!!.....
Mrs. Witness
If you're good friends with purplesofa, maybe she would draw something up for you using "twit #3"...
MP did a sketch on upper class twit of the year, so look at the cast of characters- John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam, etc. and you might find something interesting. Remember they wore some wierd diaper on their heads.