Need help with MIL

by TweetieBird 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    A few weeks ago she asked if we still believed it was Jehovah's organization. I hadn't heard from her until this morning. We talked about a lot of things, she kept saying that I turned my back on Jehovah. I told her that I hadn't turned my back on J but just didn't believe he was using the organization anymore. I asked her to show me from the bible only where it says that this is J's organization. She kept quoting stuff from the publications but I asked her to only give my scriptural proof. We moved on to another subject. Really so much that my head is spinning.

    UN issue - (again) She basically told me to get over it and not let it stumble me. Bottom line, if they joined it was a mistake, but now it's over and to forget about it. I asked her if she thought it possible for Jehovah to remove his holy spirit from the organization of which we moved on to another subject. i.e. JW's are the only ones preaching in 234 lands.

    Here's what I need help with...we talked about other religions that preach and maybe they don't do everything right but neither do JW's. She asked me what specifically JW's do wrong or don't do (scripturally). My mind turned to swiss cheese. I want to be prepared for the next round and I KNOW there will be another round.

    Knowing that I'm discussing this with a die-hard, pioneer who literally has never done a wrong thing in her life, is there anything that I can say to her that could possibly make her stop and think? She feels like people that leave the organization do so because they are either immoral or apostate. Since I'm not immoral that makes me an apostate. I know that there are so many on this board that were former elders, ministerial servants, pioneers, really good publishers, not so good publishers like me, circuit overseers, district overseers, etc., a lot of really spiritual minded people that finally saw through the bs and got out. That's what I want to hear about...the straw that broke the camel's back.

    Thanks, I know this is long.

  • Dogaradodya
  • nomoreguilt

    Hey Tweetie ! I myself don't have your answer,but I TOO would appreciate hearing the dub killing spin.I have a died in the wool sister and SIL that I would love to be able to pull their mask off with.



  • TweetieBird

    I just remembered something funny after reading another thread...when we were talking about the UN issue, she actually blamed it on Ray Franz. I told her that Ray Franz was long gone before they joined the UN.

  • changeling

    Hey darlin: My guess is your not going to get anywhere with your MIL. Why don't you agree to diagree and not bring up "witness stuff"? If she brings it up just tell her nicely that you don't want to "go there".

    In time she'll get the point, and hopefully you can enjoy peace in your family.


  • dkeithia

    I agree with changling. I to have a MIL that is a die hard JW and no matter how much proof we have given her that she is wrong and that the organization is wrong she still wont listen. Its sad because deep down we care about family but unfortunately when you come up against someone who is like talking to a brick wall all you can do is climb over and move on. Something I learned along time ago is that you cant control other people's decisions but you can control how you think, feel and act.


  • TweetieBird

    changeling and dkeithia, you are probably right. It really didn't (and doesn't) matter what I said, she can and always falls back on "the light gets brighter" and "Jehovah will straighten it out in his own time."

    She asked me why I felt like the organization seemed more like the scribes and pharisees of Jesus' day and I said that no matter what I did, I always left the meetings feeling like I would never measure up and likely not make it anyway. She doesn't think the meetings make people feel that way but I heard it way too often. She's in denial.

  • jaguarbass

    You could say, if there really is an Imaginary Jehober or flying spagetthi monster etc worthy of your worship. Wouldnt it make sense that he would be powerful enough to do his own preaching and wouldnt need your mother in law to do it for him.

    What kind of meds is she on?

  • Gopher
    is there anything that I can say to her that could possibly make her stop and think?

    The only thing that can make her "stop and think" would be to live a happy, successful life while not on the Watchtower treadmill.

    She feels like people that leave the organization do so because they are either immoral or apostate.

    This proves there is no graceful way to leave JW's. People are inculcated (love that 'word of the day') with the idea that you cannot possibly leave out of mere disagreement with the organization and the way they treat people. It's an arrogant way of thinking, that their way is the only way.

    I said that no matter what I did, I always left the meetings feeling like I would never measure up and likely not make it anyway.

    That's because you took the meetings seriously and really tried to live up to it. Those who survive best in the JW's merely relax, don't try to live up to it all, and know what they can or cannot get away with.

    She's in denial.

    Denial isn't just a river in Egypt! Maybe someday she'll get out of denial and onto dry land.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I like this website (that one of our posters runs):

    There are others you can use, but this is easy.
    Pick a subject like "generation" or "Great Crowd- Where?" and be ready.

    While the same could be done for "Blood" or "stake" most JW's won't ever be
    able to admit they are wrong. But those others make them stop and think.

    You could also examine "Baptism Questions" asking why JW's must ask so
    many doctrinal questions and make a person swear allegiance to WTS instead of
    baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    "Where else to go" is simple and short enough for a good conversation.

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