I no longer know how to pray. Who do I pray to? I no longer worship the God of Jw's, Jehovah. What is gods name. In the hebrew scriptures he is called Jehovah or should it be Yawah? In the greek scriptures Jesus is spoken as well his Father. Whom do you pray to? It is hard not to address God as Jehovah after 20 years of doing so. Also, I feel so distant due to all the lies and half truths.
how to pray
by megaflower 14 Replies latest jw friends
Oh Megaflower, don't limit yourself to one god. Why not research all of them and then come to a decision about which one you think is real?
I don't believe in any of them, so for me to pray I'd feel like I was talking to myself, but if you fancy praying, there's almost 3000 gods there to choose from. Why not pray to each one in turn and see if that helps you see which, if any, are real?
Classified ad:
"Seeking a personal God to believe in. Must be understanding and forgiving. Prefer a God that can protect me from everyday worries and problems and does not require me to kill anyone or sacrifice my life over little chickenshit rules. Please submit resume with references. A Holy Book would be nice but is not required. Part time, max. 2 hours a week but on call 24/7."
Conradulations! You are officially pronounced: "A Grownup". You no longer need imaginary friends.
megaflower - Well if you want to be able to pray but don't know what name to use, perhaps you could use the prayer that Jesus gave and just say "Father". He seemed to think it was okay.
I would think that one name for God would be just as acceptable as another. Is God going to care whether we pronounce his name right?
I suspect that this may be the beginning of a journey of exploration for you. You may find ways to experience God, or conclude that he isn't around.
But whether to pray, how to pray, and what you are praying to are best answered through explorations in life.
Personally, I don't "believe in God", but often meditate upon that feeling inside me that feels much larger than my own existance.
Here's a prayer that doesn't involve the god of JW's, but is an appeal to your brainpower and common sense.
Our brains, which art in our heads,
treasured be thy name.
Thy reasoning come.
Give us this day new insight to help us resolve conflicts and ease pain.
And lead us not into supernatural explanations; deliver us from denial of logic.
For thine is the kingdom of reason,
and even though thy powers are limited, and you're not always glorious,
you are the best evolutionary adaptation we have for helping this earth now and forever and ever.
So be it.
(The atheist's prayer)
Sad emo
Hi megaflower, belated welcome to JWD from me!
What name to use? I'm guessing you still have Christian faith? I tend so begin my 'formal' prayers with 'Lord' or 'Father'. To you, I'd say use whatever name you are comfortable with for now - even if its 'Jehovah'! Remember he's looking at the intentions of your heart, not what you say or do - so he won't punish you for it!!
As for how to pray - well, just tell God what's on your heart. Although there are 'formal' prayers which can be used eg the Our Father, there isn't really any set way to pray, so just 'natter' to him - what you want to give thanks for, or to say sorry for, or ask, tell him your worries and your joys - whatever at any time, any place, just like you would with a close friend I suppose.
Above all, don't worry too much about 'getting it right' - it's not what you were taught in the Witnesses but really, there is no right or wrong way to pray, it should be as natural and unforced as breathing
"megaflower - Well if you want to be able to pray but don't know what name to use, perhaps you could use the prayer that Jesus gave and just say "Father". He seemed to think it was okay.
Great point, I agree!
Check this out.
John 14:12-15 (New International Version)
12I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. 14You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
So Jesus must be God if he can hear all our prayers at once? For sure, you can pray to him too. Stephen though so.
Acts 7:59
While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
Happy praying :)
Stephen -
"I would think that one name for God would be just as acceptable as another. Is God going to care whether we pronounce his name right?"
Another great point. Fact is, if you pray "Jehovah" then there is a good chance you aren't pronouncing His name right! We know the Hebrew name for God was YHWH or maybe YHVH but we don't know the vowels as they never wrote them down!
So technicalities considered it is best to go for Father or Jesus.