Little Rock Guy--
I couldn't believe my eyes on all thos quotes. Every day I wake up realizing I was one of the dumbest asses that ever breathed to stay is that stupid, idiotic, perverse organization!!!
This quote you made was what I thought was the best.
If nature favors the colored brethren and sisters in the exercise of humility it is that much to their advantage, if they are rightly exercised by it. A little while, and our humility will work out for our good. A little while, and those who have been faithful to their Covenant of Sacrifice will be granted new bodies, spiritual, beyond the veil, where color and sex distinctions will be no more. A little while, and the Millennial kingdom will be inaugurated, which will bring restitution to all mankind - restitution to the perfection of mind and body, feature and color, to the grand original standard, which God declared "very good," and which was lost for a time through sin, but which is soon to be restored by the powerful kingdom of Mess
Good Job