"Bad association, spoils useful habits" - Gag!

by WingCommander 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    A couple of years ago I was working with a girl that was a senior in high school . This girl was a sweet heart and came from a great family ,very kind lovely people . At school she was 'friends ' with an elders daughter , but they were not allowed to do anything together outside of school .

    One day at work she asked me to explain to her why this witness family considered her "bad ' association .....the jw girl had told her this was why they could not hang out . I couldn't believe she had been so rude .

    The girl at work said " WHy do they think that ? I don't cuss, smoke , or drink ....basically I am a goody two shoes type of kid . Why would they think I am BAD association ? . " So I explained to her what JW's believe about others that are not witnesses . I also said her parents no doubt feel they are protecting their girl from any outside influence other than witnesses . Her response was very interesting . She said " Wow I guess their faith is really weak !! I mean if you go to five meetings a week for 17 yrs. and go door to door telling others what you believe .Yet going out for pizza with a school friend may jeopardize everything you believe in ..... well that kind of faith seems pretty superficial ! "

    I agreed whole heartedly with her .

    When graduation party time came along this girl wanted so badly to just stop by the witnesses party to give her a gift , but the girls elder father didn't want an worldly people at his daughters witness gathering .......SO I invited her to come along with me !!!!!!!! HAhahaha I loved the look on their faces when we showed up ...and as typical they love bombed her and gave me the evil eye .lol

    ps. This girl also told me that this elder was still spanking his 17/18 yr. old daughter for punishment !!!!!!!! I had no response for that other than ewwwwwwwww.

  • momzcrazy

    I was 15 or 16 when I got my last. Had to lay spread eagle face down on the bed while I was beat with a belt. After that I started taking it away from him and fighting back.


  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    After that I started taking it away from him and fighting back.

    I love it!!! Apparently not all of the useful habits got spoiled!! You ROCK, momz!!

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    Her response was very interesting . She said " Wow I guess their faith is really weak !! I mean if you go to five meetings a week for 17 yrs. and go door to door telling others what you believe .Yet going out for pizza with a school friend may jeopardize everything you believe in ..... well that kind of faith seems pretty superficial ! "

    Wow, that's so profoundly simple and true. Why don't we see that when we're inside?

  • dinah

    Why do the witnesses seem to have so many sadistic men? Maybe they have penis envy since the Borg cut theirs off.

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