Yesterday as I was getting ready to go out I noticed from my bedroom window two women dressed in witness garb heading toward my house I didn't recognize them so when I answered the door they asked me if I was spanish speaking I said no and they then asked me if I knew of anyone the the neighborhood that was and I said no they thanked me and went off to the next door (doing the pioneer shuffle) to ask the same question. So this must have taken up a whole morning. My wife and I thought they could have spent their time so much more affectivly sitting in a coffee shop and saying Olaaaa to each customer that came in and when one answered back they could have spewed their BS on them in Spanish.
Another method of witness time-wasting
by ldrnomo 13 Replies latest jw friends
i remember back in the early 90s when the spanish congos were becoming bigger....the english did a survey of the territories listing who spoke spanish.
what not just push a fresh totilla and taco cart around, and the percentage draw would be better...oompa
or hang a pinata or two from a street get the picture
The Italian JWs do that here. An Italian lady down the road from me gets called on by them - funny thing is they place English mags.
One day there's a knock on my door and there's her Catholic husband wanting to show me something interesting from the Awake! magazine. He said I could borrow it but he needed it back!! I declined - politely (I told him I'd read it already).
You could have said, in Spanish, that you are not interested.
Amber Rose
A friend of mine used to be in the "local" (half hour drive for Spanish, 5 minute drive for English) Spanish congregation. Goodness! The time and gas that they would waste. The Spanish congregation's territory was practically all of southwestern PA. They would meet in the morning, pile into cars and drive all day to some house that was reported to have a Spanish speaking person there. When they got there, nobody was home. Then they would drive for another 2 hours, looking for another reportedly Spanish speaking person. Joining the Spanish congregation is called "going where the need is great".
If a stranger came to my door and asked me what language I spoke I'd tell them it's none of their business.
what not just push a fresh totilla and taco cart around, and the percentage draw would be better...oompa
or hang a pinata or two from a street get the picture
Or offer "back drying towels".
As most of us know, doing time for the Tower is one of the most brain-dead activities one can do. To top it off, some JWs take it to the next level. Bless their little hearts.
oompa wrote: "what not just push a fresh totilla and taco cart around, and the percentage draw would be better...oompa
or hang a pinata or two from a street get the picture"