I received a PM from another long time poster - this poster has been out about the same time as I have - his circumstances in getting to his place have been quite different from mine. Yet, he stated he feels that he is in the same place re: religion, spirituality, etc.
So last nite he calls - and we had a wonderful conversation. We talked for an hour as if we had been friends for our entire life - perhaps we will be. I keep anonymity for the time being. But isn't it great when we find persons whom we connect with on so many levels? Interestingly, that is something that I never was able to really do as a Jw - the only thing we shared was that our minds were controlled in the same way. Once the mind control is gone - so are the 'friends'. Now that I am free, I have made several wonderful friends from here on JWD. Not all are kindred spirits - but some are. And it makes my spirit feel rested.
My opinion is that the true brotherhood begins after we leave the false brotherhood. Amen for that. I hope that many others have had such experiences here. Those friendships are usually a little different to maintain, from a long distance often, true, but worth the effort IMO.
Just wanted to share one of the postive effects of this place in cyberspace.
Peace and Hope to all