2008 Drst. Conv. Theme - Guided By God's Spirit

by senora 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • senora

    Just thought I'd share this tid bit.

    Drilling for 3 days with..... the GB is guided by holy spirit so its best you do whatever we say or else.

    It'll be coming out in the 03/08 KM from what I hear.

  • Gopher


    Welcome to the discussion forum.

    If the JW's really had "holy spirit", wouldn't there be more love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness.... etc.? Most of them just seem to barely tolerate each other (except for a few close friends).

  • dawg

    Where did you get this information Senora?


    Follow The Christ

    God Is Love (?) something like that

    Guided By Holy Spirit

    I told my husband it would be something like this next. They are so transparent once the blinders are off.

  • senora

    I got it from friends in the Borg. I'm a fader and they don't really know yet.

    but like someone said... they don't display the fruitages of the spirit at all, they're not fooling me.

  • Lo-ru-hamah


    welcome to the board


  • 5go

    Ever notice they are suddenly not in the mood to call God by his true name.

  • senora

    I have to say I'm more like a semi-fader and when i do go, all i would hear is.... the slave is gods channel, worship the slave and the elders who are spirit appointed and I just disagree with that. they're trying to drill it in everyone's head so ferociously, it amazes me. like if they say it enought it willl stick, which it does, but not with me. i think they have their own interest at heart, they don't want the numbers to go down nor do they want the money to dwindle either. they want to scare everyone into thinking that they are from god and do what they say.

  • Gopher


    In the 1980's I noticed a shift in what the organization was saying at conventions and in literature -- towards "the organization" and directing people there. That became the most important thing.

    The main teaching of most Christian churches seems to be "believe in Jesus and be saved".

    The main teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses, from which all their other doctrines stem, is "we are the true religion".

  • jaguarbass

    I always wondered if they are guided by Gods holy spirit, how do they end up with so many false prophecies?

    Maybe its the debils holy spirit.

    Or may their just full of tacos.

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