Hi everyone, I have been a longtime lurker to this website, but I have never posted. So here is a little bit about myself: I was raised a JW, got baptized at 13, became a regular pioneering right out of high school, I was used extensively at the hall and on assemblies, came from a nice JW background. Dad has always been an elder; Mom has always extremely active, sister as well. I did quite well in their little world and did everything as a perfect little JW girl should.... until I moved away. I moved away about 5 years ago, and have pretty much been lying to them the whole time since I have been gone. I really did try to what is "right" when I moved away, but I didn't seem to have the motivation that I once had. It really made me realize that I was only doing what I knew to do, I had never known any different...but now that I had moved away I was able to make my own choices and decisions and didn't have to answer to anyone. All those years I thought that the "truth" was what I wanted to do, but then it seemed that once I had the chance to do otherwise I realized that there was so much more out there, that I was just doing what I was "supposed" to do in the world of JW's. Like I mentioned before, my family has no idea that I don't do anything anymore, its hard to keep living a lie, but I know they would be so disappointed in me. My parents love the "truth" and if they knew (which they will find out) that I was inactive it would devastate them. It is all probably about to come to a head soon, as I have found someone that I truly love and the person that I will marry, and then the lies will have to stop and the truth will surface. I really dread the day that comes, because I love my family so much, and I just wish they would love me unconditionally no matter what. Unfortunately I know that things will change once the truth comes out, and it makes me sick just thinking about it. Anyways, I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I appreciate all of the wonderful posts on this board and its nice to have a place to come and realize that you are not alone in how you feel.
by letsgetout 31 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome letsgetout, thank you for your story and isn't it so sad that a moment in life that should be full of happiness and introductipon to family is not only non existent but negative and even depressing and filled with fear and hurt. But you are right! It is good that you do as your heart inspires you and it is the way to true happiness even if those you are able to share it with are fewer than you wish!
Good luck and I wish you much success and joy in your future.
bite me
Well, here's to your official welcome to the board. Enjoy it, it is very informative.
No matter what happens with your family always know that you are doing the right thing for you and your life. If they cant understand that then try to not let it get to you. I know its hard but you have friends and your soon to be husband. As my husband and I learned relatives are people that you had no choice to be related to, family is people in your life that you love and trust. Make your own family. If your parents truly love you and not some version of you then they will still love you no matter what. When my mother found out that I wasnt Christian she told me that she would pray for me because she thinks I am going to hell. I know that she loves me otherwise she wouldnt pray for me. I may not agree with her but I know that she cares about me.
Hello and welcome letsgetout!
Your family will be dissapointed, but in time they will get over it.
I'm glad you found us.
Welcome Letsgetout...your parents sound like they are really nice and that you have always had a good relationship with them. My guess is that they will be disappointed (not in you but the situation) and will no doubt try to talk you into breaking up with this person but I would suggest that you be honest and not try to hide it. From a parents standpoint, I would rather my children hurt me with the truth than with a lie, however, I don't wear blinders anymore so my children have the freedom to live their own lives.
Welcome to the board, LGO!
You're right, there is so much more the world has to offer than the narrow scope of activity the JW's offer. Just be glad you came to that realization at a fairly young age, with so much of life ahead. I burned over 2 decades of my adult life trying to please the JW's.
I too have parents that are very disappointed in me. But you know what, I'm not disappointed in myself. We each have to live with our own evaluations, because in the end we're with ourself -- and maybe a close loved one like you have found.
Your parents and mine are trapped in a narrow way of thinking. Maybe someday they'll get out, but in the meantime we do our best outside of their little world. It's sad but true.
Please do come here to say whatever you need to say about the JW's, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. There's a lot of info here about the lack of logic in Watchtower teachings, which will help you know you've made the right choice to leave the Watchtower behind.
Lady Liberty
Dear Letsgetout,
WELCOME to the forum!! We are so happy to have you here! Hang in there ! This will be a difficult road for sure! We are here for you and look forward to hearing more from you.
Lady Liberty
hi there
Welcome to the forum. I am fairly new myself but know just what you are going through. I was born and bred in the organisation but never ever wanted to be a JW, but like you was so scared of letting my family down if I left. I led a double life as they called it from about 16-21 until I married. The only good thing was I met my hubby at an asembly and we have been married for 26 years regardless of the fact that we kept going till 8 years ago.
You sound quite young so please don't waste any more years if its not what you want. My only regret is because of family pressure we stayed in it so long and we thought we would have no life if we left. I can honestly say we have never been happier since breaking away so please don't let family pressure put you off marrying the person you want. They will come round in time especially if you just drift and gradually breakaway. Thats the easy way to do it and it means you can still maintain your relationship with your family.
You will find lots of support on here and find many in your situation so don't feel you are alone.
Welcome letsgetout. Glad you're here.