If it is true that the slave class is here to lead the organization, and their numbers on earth are still in the thousands, why is it only just a handful at the headqtrs that send out the spiritual food? I have known many "annointed" ones over my course of involvement and none of them were ever called on for their input, guidance, counsel, etc... much less to have a turn to lead the work in NY. Aren't they ALL supposed to be doing the guidance work on the earth? I would have expected to see their own conventions and meetings regularly, with attendance mandatory for all annointed around the world. It should also not be a convention in the sense that we know it where they receive instruction, but more of a round table gathering where all are equals. It would make sense too that all anointed would have a say in the messages being distributed via the society literature. As I can see, they have little or nothing to do. Hmmmm...... ???????
Faithful and Discrete Slave
by Johnna 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Not only that but if Jesus was set up in heaven do you think it would take him this long to get the message to everyone?
During this time not only has the message NEVER been heard by well over half of all people on Earth who have lived and died, but the population is getting much bigger so that there are more now who dont know it than there were back in the day - when Jesus got the crown - so go figure!
There as still people in the borg that haven asked that question or figured out that its not run by the FDS
Welcome Johnna!
When the Revelation book was released in the late 80's I was about 16 year and just got baptized, so I was 100 % WT. At the release of the new book and after looking at the fascinating pictures I went to an anointed brother to ask him about the picture of Jesus standing together with his bride holding hands on a clouds (it was the first time seeing jesus with white hair, so at first I thought it was jehovah:-0)
Anyway, the 144k member told me he doesnt know until he reads the literatur himself. So I said, how can that be? You belong to the slave class who provides food at the proper time!
He also couldn't answer how the new light comes about.Today I sometimes laugh thinking about the many silly wt teachings I so strongly believed in.
Regarding your topic, there is a chapter on that in Ray Franz first book. Good read!
Homerovah the Almighty
My opinion is this was just drafted out of the bible with the deliberate attempt to empower the men in New York , nothing else
In another sense you might call it exploitation, it unfortunately worked
Many common religions utilize the same procedure in an effort to gain power and control
"Anyway, the 144k member told me he doesnt know until he reads the literatur himself. So I said, how can that be? You belong to the slave class who provides food at the proper time!
He also couldn't answer how the new light comes about."Freetosee.... that's EXACTLY what I'm referring to! Thanks for posting, being someone who experienced it first hand !
How and by what means do the brothers and sisters derive spiritual food is just as it has been with the modern day Associated Bible Students," they are the same ones that the modern day Witness's broke from and there by became a sect.
The Bible Students" have each and every member search the bible and as a massive group using any sorce they need not just what the GB say you have to use, in order to come to conclusions rather than a (Hierarchy of clergy) situation as exist with the Witness's now.
I have found it so refreshing to listen and learn with the Associated Bible Students", they are a caring group of people.
The truth is that this technicality doesn't really matter. People who stay in the Truth do so not because it is logical. They do so because they have become dependant on the organization. Their entire social universe depends on their obedience the the Society. Independance costs them all their freinds, JW family, their reputation and self worth.
What you've figured out will cause the average JW to weigh the implications. It's no wonder that many will placate themselves by "waiting on Jehovah" or telling themselves "Lord, where else will we go?"
Once you conclude that the God does not communicate with the FDS so many other things fall apart. Suddenly it becomes obvious why all predictions to date have failed, doctines have changed, and medical blunders occurred. It's a slippery slope that the well indoctrinated mind learns to run from.
While I already figured out that the FDS have nothing to do with the decisions in Brooklyn,
I included this in my letter explaining my stepping aside as an elder. I said that I was
supposed to "know" the Governing Body and the Slave, I cited the scriptures that said
that, and then I said I had no idea how the GB makes decisions and how/if they contact
the Slave around the world.I expect some more ignoring of the anointed to be included in their plans.
That experience was very disappointing for me, because as I walked up to him, I thought, wow, Im going to speak to someone who will be a king in heaven ranking higher then angels... and that's what I got! The disturbing part was that he didn't even care much to give me any kind of reassurance, even though he saw how exited I was as I had just "made the truth my own".
In the end it was good, because that question (FDS - new light - how?) stayed in the back of my mind and became a big issue when I left. It took me about five years of being away, before I read apostate literature and was thrilled to finally get answers which made sense and confirmed my decision.