JW's not the only one preaching the end is near. Born agains are doing it.

by jaguarbass 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    Imagine a guy stood in Central Park today saying this and in 2000 years from now it still hasn't occurred but people are still saying it!

    Exactly. I can't understand why people think that since the saying was in an ancient holy book it should hold any more weight.

  • Tuesday

    Maybe I'll look into it when there's a year mentioned. Why is it if you meet someone on the street with a sign around their neck saying "The End Is Near" everyone thinks they're crazy, but if someone comes to you in a suit holding a bible you even consider his message?

    It's not like the whole thing hinges on the belief that some talking animal convinced someone to take something that God had already put in place then forbid for some unknown reason... oh wait....

  • still_in74
    I assume you are an ex JW? They preach a form of 'replacement theology'. This thinking is that the church (or for JWs the congregation) has replaced the Jews as God's chosen people.

    Here is a good place to start to blow that whole erroneous thinking apart.

    Actually as my name suggests, I am still_in, trapped is more like it. But thanks for your reply, you have opened a new area of investigation for me. I have been doing Revelation Book weekly reviews and I am floored by the WTS manipulation of scripture to make the FDS/144k/Spritual Israel things work. If it didnt ruin lives and families it would be laughable.

    I will definitely explore your comments deeper,


  • lfcviking

    I reckon there are a lot of small religious groups (typically of Christian domain) around the world that are apocalyptical type. The JWs probably being the most well known for it as they are maybe more widespread than most other such groups.


  • Chalam

    "I have been doing Revelation Book weekly reviews and I am floored by the WTS manipulation of scripture to make the FDS/144k/Spritual Israel things work."

    Yes, it is not for only these matters only. The critical doctrines of who God is, what His judgement will be, what His salvation is and who it is for, what the afterlife is etc. are at the core of many faiths.

    Those that WTS purport do not stand up against any Bible, so that is why they have their own erroneous translation and another book to embellish the mistruths.

    All the best,

  • mouthy

    Well I am born again ( Oct 20 1989) I dont say the end is coming ...It might be for me , but I think you must not put us all in the same pocket. .I was in the war. ( 2nd WW) I saw terrible things happen bombs falling, folks dying. I think things are going to have to get a hang of a lot worse before the end.

    I just wonder how you younguns will hold up, When it does happen

  • DanTheMan

    Personally, I don't see any logic to the following bit of reasoning:

    1. Cults and religious wack jobs preach that the end of the world as we know it is coming.

    2. Therefore the world as we know it cannot end, since to believe so would be to think as cultists and religious wack jobs do.

    I stash a portion of my income away in a 401k almost laughingly. as if.

    Tell the tens of thousands soldiers and civilians that have died in the Iraq war, or the 250k that were wiped out by the tsunami a few years back, that the world can't end. It can and does every day for at least some people, and every now and then it happens for a whole bunch of people at the same time. And as the earth's population swells, the potential for the end of the world to come for a ever bigger bunch of people at the same time only increases, and with human society having become so global and interdependent, how much brainpower can be lost before the whole works ceases to function?

    The only thing is, is there's no glorious pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - no rapture, no Second Coming. Those are fairy tales, and I can't help but believe that deep down, even the most diehard believer knows on some level that they're not going to all of the sudden find themselves floating up towards the sky to meet Jesus.

  • Chalam

    Hi mouthy,
    I expect you know Matthew 24 and Mark 13



    I agree, it has to get a lot worse. The key point is that the Gospel has to be preached to all nations and then the end will come.

    The most important thing as you mention is when our personal end will come, not the end of the age.

    Hebrews 9:27 (New International Version)
    Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.

    Well I am glad we have Jesus as our advocate!

    Love in Christ,

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