Someone here recommended this book to me. I finished it in the wee hours of the morning and now feel a little like my brains have been scrambled. From what Mr Merritt wrote kind of reminds me of scientology. I have to think about this. Why does he believe that "matter" is "defiled"?
Book, Jehovah Unmasked
by dogisgod 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
I haven't read the book but I'm a firm believer in listening to your inner voice. Especially if it's telling you something doesn't sound right.
Heres a link to a pdf file of jehovah unmasked
The premise of this book is about how "Jehovah" was never a single unite entity. There WAS an almighty god that started of the creative process but that after the first...Jesus...then JC created what came later to be known as Satan. Satan then proceeded to create angels, Adam, etc. It was all created from matter which always existed and is my nature entropic and therefore defiled.( Where does THAT come from?) He believes that Adam was seen as not being good alone so "they" had all the animals paraded in front of him but he found none as a "companion" (mate) so "they" created Eve using Adams rib (DNA). In other words somebody screwed up in thinking man would be happy living alone so they brought creatures before him before seeing if he wanted to live in a sexual relationship with one of the animals before deciding to create a female counterpart. He was apparently pretty happy about the result. about the result. During all this time The Almighty Being had been out of the picture. It was left in the charge of #3 and his creations. Then things got kinda wacky and it involved the allegory of the 2 trees. This also meant that "the tree of life" was never eaten from so Adam and Eve would not live forever. Not unless they had eaten of that tree. So from his studies of ancient languages (and with many old test. scriptures) that the god of the Jews was Jehovah Elohim which is plural and really stood for #3 and all his minions. Many OT scriptures were cited that showed this Jehovah Elohim to be mean, put "bad spirits" into people, killed for the pleasure of killing, many times in an angry tantrum when things didn't work out his way.
In other words, like the scrip says "Satan is the god of this system of things" and EVERYTHING in it has been determined by him and hes minions (which do not all agree with each other). As for the Bible itself, he believes what we have is just a combination of handed down texts combined and altered by Constintine to create the Catholic Church which has different Bibles according to which sect of the Church you belong to. Therefore the CC is "The Great Harlot, Babylon the Great" and EVERY religion that has sprung from her no matter what denomination is a lie from Satan aka Jehovah Elohim.
Jesus came to clarify for mankind that they had been mislead and that it was a very easy route to have a personal relationship with him. That didn't set well with the ruling class (the Jehovah Elohim/Satan and his gang) so they of course killed him and snuffed out his work he had done with alacrity. Which also made JC the ransome for Adam (although I think he doesn't believe in the ransome....I could be wrong). Those early Christians known as Gnostics had the right stuff but their writing didn't survive until the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered (Hammerabi?) These books had been dismissed along the way in the great apostacy. In essence they too showed that the way to spiritual happiness does not involved any organized religion but a personal relationship with Jesus. He also espouses reincarnation with scriptural references.
In the meantime the #1 God Almighty is off somewhere totally not being involved with this litttle science experiment.
Meanwhile if we can "get" the Gnostic mind set we can really see who is what in this world and for what it really is....EVERYTHING is from Satan aja Jehovah Elohim.
I hope I got the gist of this correctly. What do you guys think?
Has a bit of gnostic flavor.
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Is that really what Gnostics believe?
They believe something like that the creator god is not the real god, and does not know about the real god. Secondly, his creation is screwed up. We are spirits imprisoned in flesh and ignorance. See
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Sounds to me that someone is trying to say that since all biological cells are made of from the 100+ elements and since one of the main angels helping build the universe was Satan, that somewhere he laced the drink of all creation with a few neutrons or extra quarks where they ought not to be seeing as how he knew down the line it would give him control over the the whole program of life.
Something like a virus planted at the constructing of your computer at an early stage that is in every part but doesn't show until the machine is up and running. So God, having trusted Satan till it was too late to see what had gone off, instead of just destroying the whole has now a cunning long term plan to lock up the hackers but also to replace certain parts without the hackers getting the inside line.
Any religion wanting to self promote itself for the 21st century will be hijacking science as it strives to make its own mark IMHOwith this sort of circular reasoning that cannot be proven or disproven but which incorporates current findings that may otherwise diminish its plausibility.
Sounds like a whole new flavour of crazy.
Yeah. Well that crosses Gnostics off the list.