just curious
Anyone know what the WT society is worth? and what do they do with it all?
by cognac 24 Replies latest jw friends
That's the million dollar question. Or is it the billion dollar question or the trillion dollar question?
lol~ I wonder what its about with them...
Money (they are spending and not telling us) or greed, power, what the heck is it???
Homerovah the Almighty
To date now over a billion US. in total assets, they have buying and selling buildings in New York for decades and a couple of years ago they sold some of their buildings in
Brooklyn New York to the tune of $250,000,000.00, they also have investments in mutual funds and stocks which are not disclosed to their flock of members for a good reason.
To a small personally owned publishing company called Tower Publishing to now a century latter a international world wide corporation worth a billion and change
not too shabby I'd say
Oh, great Home...
So they are not going away that easily...
Why don't they want people to know about there investments?
Hi cognac!
I don't think anyone knows for sure. Just the property alone is a real estate empire, and they own property (some large facilities) all around the world. I think that even the people who keep their books don't have the full picture. There are many corporations... and I doubt that anyone has all the pieces of the puzzle. Wish I had the time and resources to do the kind of digging it would take to find out.
That sounds a bit like "Materialism" to me. Something that they have been warning it's members about for years. Going after money......
But i guess it is different for them. There must be some scripture to back this up? Or Watchtower?
F#*cking Hypocrites!
rich get richer and the poor get poorer...
Homerovah the Almighty
Well the reason is they are always trying to push for financial help within the KHs if they were to disclose what the society is worth people would
lay back on giving contributions and this could start some financial suffering in the long run, not just only at each hall but eventually in Brooklyn.
back in the 70's and 80's they had quite the catalog of merchandise they were selling to the public and of course the witnesses in general, all with a quite
a huge mark up, so there was quite a lot of cash floating their way, all non-taxable of course.
Homerovah the Almighty
Think about this for a second millions of pieces of literature purchased around the globe over decades and decades with very low overhead in expenditures
such as labor and taxes, sure of course there is paper and other materials for production to be considered, but at this kind of volume just in North America alone.
year after year decade after decade and the obvious conclusion can be drawn.
also think about each KH and their contributions they send in around the globe, how many thousands of KHs are there $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$