I bought it from 2 states away and it came on a truck to my shop. No dock here and sure as heck no dock at my apartments. What was I thinking?
Janitor question and the KH phone is busy
by garybuss 28 Replies latest jw friends
If you don't have a good board to make into a ramp, then put that handle on the
tailgate and slide it up quickly.If that's too much, you will have to make some kind of "stairs" for it and stand
on the truck dragging it back on the wheels up each stair. -
Gary- I'm in the business 25 years. Lift with your leg muscles - squat down - keeping your back straight . Put a jock strap on for your sphincter muscle though - wanna keep that puppy healthy happy ! LOL! Peace out
I think I set a new clinch record when I loaded that buffer tonight. Ya couldn't have pulled a pin out of my ass with a bulldozer.
plywood ramp...
I used to lift the big propane buffers by myself...scrawny thing that I was at the time... looks like yours is electric... thankfully I have been out of the business for a long while...with only a few brief visits in the intervening years... and no intention to do it again.... though i have some fun janitorial stories i could tell....
Snakes ()
I think I set a new clinch record when I loaded that buffer tonight. Ya couldn't have pulled a pin out of my ass with a bulldozer.
I don't care who you are thats funny........Now how am I gonna get the diet coke outta my keyboard and off my monitor.......
memories... I used to toss a buffer like that in and out of a chevette moons ago.
I'd build a box long enough to clear the truck gate...lay that buffer back into it. Maybe incorporate some counterweight to make it tip the way you want it to go.
Gary..Ramp and a winch..It`s worth the money..It will save your back.....You can`t earn a living,recuperating in bed.......
I guess an Arkansan will have to help here. Back ur pickup into a dry ditch or low spot on ur property. Ur tailgate will be almost at ground level. This is the way many motorcycles are loaded into pickups without a ramp.
Jumpin Jehosophat! Gary, that looks exactly like the one I put myself through pioneer school with! Aaah, what memories.....