I have the 2007 CD available as an ISO image. I can ftp it to someone. Reply on this topic or PM me. I'll check later today.
WT Library 2007 Available as ISO
by doinmypart 23 Replies latest jw friends
I'm looking forward to when it's available.
Hope someone can help.
The '07 WT Lib is too large to email, and web hosting sites (like sendspace) are blocked from my location.
I've sent the file to a couple of different posters. It should be available for download soon.
If anyone else wants to host the file, PM your ftp details and I'll get it to you.
If you can't get it hosted somewhere, I can set you up a folder on my work server with limited accesd to that folder and keep it there for a little while.
Let me know.
TJ Curioso
You can send the ISO through PANDO. www.pando.com
we could also create a .torrent file and have all of us seed it.
When did this site go to some foreign language? All I understood was WT Library 2007 avail as. . . .and the rest of the thread (Incl. ISO) eludes me.
I am figuring this is some kind of downloadable file. Is it the whole library? Is is SAFE?? Legal? I have been trying to get a CD for ages, but it always goes for more than 35+ on ebay and I don't have that kind of disposable income (I already got the B.Anderson CD)
Any info appreciated!
Shelly -
JW Daughter, an .ISO file is an image of a CD, in this case the Watchtower Library 2007 CD. If you download an ISO file you will need to get a special program to be able to read it. It will be an exact copy of all the information on the 2007 CD so will have all the books and be able to be searched exactly as if you installed the original CD.
I use Daemon Tools Lite to burn ISO files. It's free.
Any news where to find this?