Young People Ask book

by crownboy 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • crownboy

    How many of you guys really believed and took to heart every word that was written in it? I was recently rereading it and it was ridiculous how sophomoric and unrealistic some of the answers to the questions were (e.g. when you have the urge to engage in the "sin" of masterbation you should pray to God untill the urge goes away. I wonder how many actually did that )

    While some of the information was indeed right on the money, they seem to assume that children have the minds of the already indoctrinated adults (and the elders, and adults in general, are always presented in the best of light, as if going to them with your problems will always bring good results), and that "throwing your burden on Jehovah" (not to mention "theocratic activities") can always help you, and that failure to live up to lofty spiritual standards is neccessarily a reflection of your lack of spirituality and not simply a result of just being a kid. I think the above attitude probably is the main reason many witness youths leave. Anyone else noticed how impractical some of the books suggestions are?

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • Billygoat

    What always made me wonder (even when I was a JW) was why didn't they ever give the full name of someone they quoted? Like, "Stacy, a 17 year-old from New York says, 'I realized that my love for God was stronger than my desire to masturbate.'" They NEVER give a person's full name. I always thought that was strange. But now I realize it's because their probably is NO Stacy! It's all made up crap!


  • MegaDude


    I remember that series of talks on the Ministry School based on The Young People Ask Book. Three chicken brothers in a row bowed out on giving the talk on The Big M, and the PO asked to give it at the last minute.

    I used the talk to say that masturbation was nothing to be embarassed about, it was common, and it was a huge money making business (i.e. porn, 900 numbers) I did follow the Watchtower reasoning that as Christians it was something to make an effort to stop, but I emphasized it was not something to be overwhelmed with guilt about; that the guilt could be more destructive than the habit. Saw a lot of single people in the audience heave a collective sigh.

    "The God that comes before skepticism may bear little resemblence to the God that comes after."

    M. Scott Peck (The Road Less Traveled)

  • Billygoat


    That is one cool talk I would have loved to hear! "Guilt can be more destructive than the habit." That's awesome! And something I need to hear - not about masturbation either. Haha!


  • MegaDude


    I should have said:

    "Brothers, sisters, whack off to your heart's content. Jehovah made you that way!"

    but I was trying to a "G" for my talk. LOL
    Glad I wasn't working on gestures that night!

  • Billygoat

    Gestures?! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Although you probably would have gotten a "W" for that, you silently would have been given a "G" by many of the R & F!



  • crownboy

    That brings up another point. When you're out in the field service, none of that stuff you do at the school really matters. When you're giving a talk you're in a different environment than at the door, so it's not the same. It's alot more natural when you're actually in the field. If what you're saying is intersting to the householder, it doesn't matter whether your gestures are emphatic or describtive. You work on the school points to get a G, not to improve your field service skills.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • 7of9

    How many of you guys really believed and took to heart every word that was written in it? Every last word.

    Don't pee on the living room carpet!

    Never date brother Eddie Haskell.

    No partyin' with pagans.

    Avoid the urge to masturbate by sleeping on the stairs.

  • MegaDude


    LOL@the last pic of the lefty bro on the stairs rubbing his sore wrist.


  • ballistic

    Is it true that one of the articles on masterbation suggested taking a cold shower? I mean is that crazy or what? "When feeling the urge to masterbate, just get your kit off and start rubbing yourself down with soapy water!!!"

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