How can printing off more of a fiat currency (that is already over-valued and being brought to reality) in a country that uses fractional reserve banking to give to people to spend more money and go into more debt, thus creating more fiat currency out of thin air to pay for those debts and the interest on them going to help a wage-slave debt based bubble economy from tanking?
American tax rebate: How will you spend yours? Will it help the economy?
by Gopher 31 Replies latest social current
If I get anything, I will put in in the savings.
Good idea, since savings represent a negative percentage in national statistics.
Savings do not conduct well in a debt based economy. We must take out loans to create money, then create more to pay the interest. It's a never-ending cycle ya see. The creation of money is nothing more than the creation of debt.
There is no point to saving money buy gold or silver they are the real money.
The IRS would help me make the decision by applying any rebate to what I owe, which is fine with me. I should have my tax debts paid off in just a few decades now.
wha happened?
I would do what every other responsible citizen would do. I would go to Vegas. Wooohooo apostafest 2008 Las Vegas!!!!!!!
I am sure I could find a place for some cash to go and be productive.
How will this rebate be funded, ultimately? I mean, it's not like there's some budget surplus that they can dip into is there? So isn't this a case of borrowing more money from the Chinese so that we can buy more stuff made by the Chinese?
I would do what every other responsible citizen would do. I would go to Vegas. Wooohooo apostafest 2008 Las Vegas!!!!!!!
I refuse to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me.