Why won't South Park parody the Witnesses

by joelbear69 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uzzah

    There could be some good laughs from one of the boys being disfellowshipped 'as the last act of love"

    Sorry we can't talk to you Kyle.

    Why what did I do?

    We don't know but the elders said if we love you we won't have anything to do with you.

    What the &*^@#%?!?!?!

    If we don't talk to you, you will know we love you and you will come back.

    Uhhh no Cartman. You don't talk to me, I'll just get new friends.

    You can't do that Kyle. Who do you know? All your friends and family are with us now. We all love you and will have nothing to do with you. Can't you feel the love?

    You bastards

  • Death to the Pixies
    Death to the Pixies
    A SP parody of JW's would be funny for us, and us only. Nobody else cares. When they make fun of Mormons, it's funny because there's a freaking ton of them especially in western States, and the story about the magic golden plates found in a hillside in PA is so silly and ripe for ridicule. And Scientology, with all its celebrity adherents and sci-fi beliefs is another faithâ„¢ that is eminently ridiculable in a way that is funny for everybody (well, except Tom Cruise). JWism is just a boring, obscure Adventist offshoot.

    When you take into consideration how Mormons and JWs count their members there is not much difference in numbers or "significance". Maybe Stone and Parker (who I believe grew up in Mormon country, or pretty close) may be Mormon themsleves, or at least grew up Mormon. Maybe that is why they parody them? Stone also did a movie called "Orgazmo" in which Stone, a Mormon, becomes a porn star. Too coincidental for Stone to not have direct ties to Mormomdry um... Mormondess, or, gee, ummmm..... Mormonosity.

  • wednesday


    lol cute

  • AFX

    Well. In the new episode of the 17:th season they made fun on JW ;)

    Watch it ;)


  • smiddy

    Can anybody tell me how to veiw it ?


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Huh? They DID parody the JW's in this episode here (watch the whole thing): http://vimeo.com/75622132?

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