WELP... It's been a crazy ride for over 25 years, pretty much raised as a witness (ever since I could remember), rebelled against my parents, came back, straighten out for a little while, married within "the truth", but the last 5 to 7 years, I've been seriously questioning the changes and doctrines established by the WTS. Never thought I would be looking from this side of the fence. Even though I'm not a 100% certain of what I'm doing is right, the more I research, the more it turns up damning evidence of the WTS cover ups, scandals, false prophecies and ultimately, the MEATBALL of them all(IMHO), the NGO membership from 1991 to 2001 and participating in worldly affairs without any logical explanation or rebuttal. At least to me, I'm not satisfied. And to be honest, it's been the last 3 to 4 weeks where I started aggressively (hours a day sometimes) to search out info, articles and personal experiences outside the watchtower. It's real hard on the wife, even though she's in shock and now lacks confidence in the WTS, the fear of being shunned, working along side of family who are witnesses and of course being raised in this organization, it's a lot to take at one time. This will be a long journey, which I have NO IDEA where it'll take me and hopefully wife will still be at my side. Thanks for reading
Wow, I can't believe I'm doing this....
by megawatt 48 Replies latest jw experiences
Hmm, I thought I spaced this with paragraphs.
Welcome megawatt!!! You posted! Glad you're here!
Welcome megawatt, this is a great place to get some answers and some advice when things get sticky. Just remember, you can ignore the sense of urgency the watchtower encourages. Take things slow and methodical and you guys will be out and enjoying a cult-free life in no time.
You've taken the first step....removing the scales from off your eyes. You can no longer be led about blindly now.
Welcome aboard. Looking forward to your input...........Journey on
Welcome Mega!!!
I was born in also. It's very hard to see everything you were taught from birth fall apart right in front of your face. Take things slow and be sure to check in and get support here.
I was df'd at 18, which was roughly 22 years ago. It took me about 16 years to get outta the fog of still believing they had the truth. Even though I had been out of the organization that long, it still HURT to come to that realization.
Keep on posting!!
Welcome! You dont know the half of it!!!!.................I am sending you a pm.......................oompa
welcome to the board
Welcome, commisserations and congratulations! Ideas:
Take things slowly and be kind to yourself - it's hard.
The most important thing in the world is yourself and your marriage. Protect yourselves from everything else.
Take up some new interests and hobbies (discover your talkents) to distract yourself from what is a very difficult and confusing time, and introduce you to great new friends. -
Hey go for it - you will be so much happer. Maybe you ought to think of plan B and C and D, since you work with JWs and have family in the JWs, you might want to think out all possible consequences and have some back up plans if it is necessary to change jobs or move or???