Going Back

by Sparkplug 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    I found out tonight that my exhusband has been going back to meetings. He has been taking my (ex) stepson with him.

    Is he for real?

    I heard that and thought to myself that he never did have a lot of sense. Does he have to drag my boy with him into hell?

    I can't even think about it. Makes me ill.

    Peace out!


  • FlyingHighNow

    How old is the boy? Hopefully old enough to realize being out in the world was better than being smacked constantly with a wooden spoon.

  • Sparkplug

    FHN~ He is 9 and unfortunately, he is eating it up from what I hear. Breaks my heart because there is not much I can do about it.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'd take anything JW's say about the boy eating it up with a grain of salt. How long was he with you and were you a JW at the time?

  • bisous

    awww, sparkles that sucks the big one. I'm really sorry hon. Sometimes in life you just have to focus on what you CAN control and let the rest float. hang in there.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I agree with Bisous. And as my therapist tells me about Mickey and Julian, even Andy: he is on his own journey through life. You can't carry him. He has to learn to carry himself.

  • Sparkplug

    FHN~ I heard this from his mom who is way out of the borg. She said he really likes the people and told her they were so nice. He came back from his weekend with a Great Teacher Book and a NWT.

    I was happy to hear that his new girlfriend is so upset about it that she was crying and stood up and did not let him force my (ex) stepdaughter into going. Poor baby stood firm and said she "would not return to the hive!."

  • FlyingHighNow
    She said he really likes the people and told her they were so nice. He came back from his weekend with a Great Teacher Book and a NWT.

    Well, if he thinks they are being nice to him, be at least happy that for now he feels happy. It's small comfort, but being happy is a good thing, even it doesn't last.

  • Sparkplug

    bisous~ well seems to me like I don't have a damn thing to concentrate on right now. lol

    Not much can be controlled. lol Pretty much it all seems so out of my reach. I think about it, actually (now that I am stopping goofing) there is a whole warehouse of things I am taking control back over. and you are right. Not much I can do there. Just hope he does not grab hold of it too much.

  • changeling

    That's very sad, but as you said, there's nothing you can do about it. Don't beat yourself up over things you have no contol over.


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