If you could get a Bible Study to visit ONE WEBSITE....

by inkling 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • inkling

    Ok, so right on the cusp of my awakening, I had a sorta-bible study with the man who had almost died in a nasty car wreak
    (he was saved by a like a gallon of tranfused blood, btw)

    When I stopped going out in service, the study was taken over by a rather dimwitted witness on conservative side
    (sorry, but it's true) and now the Bible study is starting to ask some tricky questions that are making the friends
    a bit nervous, like why birthdays are condemned but adversaries are not... and why witnesses don't worship Jesus.

    This guy knows me, and trusts me a bit, so I think I might be able to subtly guide him to a
    website that will make him ask the brother some REALLY awkward questions.

    So, of all the JW critical websites out there, which once is the best starting point?
    honest and curiosity piquing, without being too scary?


  • Abandoned
  • AlphaOmega

    As I was considering becomming a study, I looked up the CARM website.


    The owner Matt Slick ? produces a massive "notebook" which contains a lot of information about cults in general.

    They have other cults listed, but this was my first website that I found, from it I discovered the truth about the Witness teachings.

    Then I ventured elsewhere.

    If I had found other places that were more the "foaming at the mouth apostate sites" then I probably would have dismissed what they were saying, but www.carm.org was pretty much just the facts and referenced a lot of JW literature.

  • BFD

    I think www.jwfacts.com is a good starting point.


  • megawatt

    Plus 1 on jw facts. It's simply and straight to the point. A good place to start...

  • inkling

    thanks everyone, that helps


  • WTWizard

    The first place I would have a study visit is www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com . Why? Because that web site has all the fallacies exposed just at the time the new student is being victimized. They also expose the faulty New World Translation. They have the original documents scanned on that site, plus the revised ones, to back up much of what they say. And they would probably do a pretty good job in telling the student why they should not study any further.

    The other web sites are also very good. I have found them especially good for those who have already decided that the Watchtower Society is not for them, but are running into serious problems in leaving. Freeminds is very good in that regard. They would also tell people why they should not join in the first place, and provide links to other discussion boards (including this one through Net Soup).

  • Priest73

    I'd send them to watchtower.org. If they can't see the satire in that, they're a lost cause.

    But really, I don't know that I would send them to a single website, I'd just encourage them to "do a little research" and actually "examine the scriptures" but we know that average Dub isn't going to do that.

  • chickpea

    the website that got me thinking, and then looking .....http://www.rickross.com......... came across it quite by chance but once i read about the whole concept of mind control i started looking for JW specific sites

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    I would never recommend that sixscreensofthewatchtower website. It has great graphics, etc, but it is completely over the top. It's full of emotionalism and vitrolic hatred for the Society. The whole website gives me the creeps.

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