The subject of pedophilia and the sexual abuse of children often is complicated. By that I DON'T mean that it is complicated to know how to deal with pedophiles. They have a despicable problem in their minds and need to be identified and controlled for all children's sake as well as for their own sake. Most have difficulties rehabilitating and re-integrating into society, and thus merit a lifetime of supervision at least, or incarceration at the other end of that spectrum. But it gets complicated when it happens within religious communities, such as and especially Jehovah's Witnesses.
Pedophiles prey upon the innocence of children. Kids are easier to control and manipulate. Pedophiles operate in the shadows. They know that their behavior is criminal. They require an environment that protects them. RELIGIONS OF ALL STRIPES are ripe as a breeding ground for pedophiles. JW's, Mormons, Catholics all suffer from the same structural flaw. Whether they want to admit it or not, religions first ammendment rights of "ecclesiastical privelage" (i.e. All religions in America Constitutionally legislate themselves, the Governement is not allowed to do so) is often used to protect themselves from unwelcome publicity. Pedophiles know this and use it to their advantage. A pedophile can gain trust over time while expertly getting access to children for their own perverted pleasure. They realize that even if they are caught, that they can work the religious system they are in to avoid going to jail, and perhaps even to continue molesting children. Pedophiles become experts at appearing remorseful if caught. (that isn't just my opinion. In talking with forensic phsychologists who work in prisons, they often point out how manipulative pedophiles are. Many if not most have the goal of getting out to do their horrid deeds again.) Elders are so naieve and untrained to handle these insidious people that they have acually believed the pedophile over the victim and their families. Pedophiles have had little to worry about in these circumstances.
The Government depends on all religions to police themselves by ACTUALLY TURNING IN CRIMINALS OR REPORTING SUSPECTED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. But they can't make religions do this.This is the structural flaw of almost all religions that pedophiles exploit. Religions, and JW's in this case specifically, believe they have the one "truth". This arrogance blinds them to the problems of pedophiles and it's real criminality. JW's feel that with Jehovah and the Bible, that they alone are in the best position to deal with pedophiles. So they deal with them judicially in their own traditional manner. Even if this means disfellowshipping, it doesn't mean the victims can talk about it. It isn't allowed STILL for a reinstated pedophile to be identified for the protection of the congregation. The GB uses "confidentiality" as a code word for "control." It must be kept secret, because the pedophile has a right to privacy according to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. The GB believes this total bullshit because of their interpretation of the bible.
In this kind of environment, pedophiles thrive. As early as the 1990's, the GB sent letters to bodies of elders with instruction on how to handle pedophiles. These instructions were quite emphatic that such matters be kept strictly confidential. This still hasn't changed. The congregation still isn't warned if a pedophile is there.
The GB is so disingenuous when it claims that elders call the police "in states that require them to do so." Talk about a distinction without a difference!? Who cares if the state you live in hasn't yet legislated that religions report those suspected of pedophilia to the police. Isn't it common sense to do exactly that, esp these days? Isn't it scriptural to report criminal activity? ISN'T IT THE RIGHT THING TO DO? IF IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO, DOESN'T THAT ALSO MAKE IT THE MORAL THING TO DO?
This is exactly the kind of offense that shows the limited wisdom of the bible. (or at least the GB's ability to interpret it) because of their "two witnesses" rule. The Governing Body feels that because the bible says you can't take action against a person without two witnesses, you can't report suspected pedophilia either without two witnesses. Pedophiles don't exactly invite other people to watch them. Thats the point. You will never have two witnesses see a pedophile in action. Thus, you have no choice but to go by reports! If you are sincere and want to do the right thing, (as some elders bravely have done) you have to take what one person tells you seriously. You have to give the police the chance to do what the elders are obviously not trained to do, which is to INVESTIGATE POTENTIAL CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. The cops aren't as easily fooled as elders are by pedophiles. And yes, they are actually trained to identify pedophiles. The cops aren't usually going to hang someone without evidence. How does telling the police that you have a report of a possible pedophile in your midst go against the bible or otherwise prevent the congregation from running itself? Haven't JW's learned from their own horrible experience that this isn't their strong suit? But they stubbornly insist on doing things their own way. Even if you believe that the accussed is innocent, let the process happen.
This is why ex JW's get upset, (just in case their are any lurkers reading who may wonder why you read of the pain of many who post here). They never had a voice, and were never allowed to talk about what happened to them. They weren't even allowed to warn others in the congregation of a pedophile under pain of elder action against them. No matter what the PR Dept of Jehovah's Witnesses says today, thousands of people have been discouraged from reporting suspected pedophiles to the police because of what the elders told them. Sorry folks, that is the sad, cold truth of the matter.
I know most Jehovah's Witnesses (and most religous folk) hate pedophilia and pedophiles, and want to protect children. That is a given. That isn't the point. The culpability for allowing the environment and circumstances that allow pedophiles to exist belongs to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is through their own self serving interests that they refuse to change. Until the GB directs that all reports elders hear of pedophilia be instantly turned over to the police to verify, they will have more blood on their hands. We can accept nothing less then this concession. There is nothing unscriptural about this method of dealing with the problem.
The Culability of Jehovah's Witnesses and Pedophilia
by AllTimeJeff 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Thanks for the informative post.
It must be kept secret, because the pedophile has a right to privacy according to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. The GB believes this total bullshit because of their interpretation of the bible.
that's true, they do see it that way. wonder why they won't give the apostate or adulterer that privilege? some sins that just grant secrecy too.
i could not get the edit to work so wanted to add
The elders never warn women when a rapists is in the congregation- even if they know he has raped more than one person and admitted it. Amazing isn't it? that person would normally be serving time in jail but under God's loving org, he can walk among decent people and live to rape again. Wife beaters - same thing. women is seldom believed if an elder is involved. Not that men do not get hurt. they do. for \them it is maybe even worse b/c they feel they have to "suck it up" and act like a man. Poor women
Interesting but I would venture that there are plausibly variants on a theme here as with so much of humanity!
Some individuals are so tyrned against their natural affections due to indoctrination and guilt that they could well surface in otherwise tabboo areas of society!
Furthermore the sexually restrictive environment of not encouraging or aiding individuals to explore their own humanity (sexuality) ,save the ones 'game' enough to break JW rules, is likely to posit the most law abiding individuals into conflicts with their own human biology which could well result in opportunism or gradual moral decline and taking advantage of situations easiest concealed.
The whole notion of no sexual activity or self relief before marriage in a society which liberates many of its youth is in itself likely to isolate individuals from their own peer group in this regard and precipitate the socially dysfunctional characters into adulthood void of the necessary skills to socialise and seduce females they may find attractive. Again high levels of sexual repression may result and unduly negate an otherwise ideallly apparent religious individuals character into one which is at conflict with itself in every aspect of its psychology as to how to find and successfully court a suitable mate!
Some will associate this complete lack of natural human behaviour as being down to their own unattractiveness or apparent ability to please a prospective partner in ways they cant fathom but are all to apparent in reality! This will naturally lead to wondering whom, if anyone, may ever feel 'pleasured' by what they have to give and so willingly want to beyond all reason!
Cue another mode of a human looking for any opportunities to find affection/ physical attention and confirmation of their own acceptibility to the opposite sex!
Time may lead such ones to contemplate outrageous outlets for their feelings!
Those who successfully repress them without outlet may well become characters totally unconfident about their inner self and some may end up withS&M type characters and onew where the partner has to take a lead to make them feel wanted!
It is still more complex than this but for the sake of brevity a few strains of thought are here, for what I endeavoured to make a simple scientific view, for consideration as to the why and how, of boys who would otherwise be girls, who come to such unfortunate scenarios in life as a result of their chromosome award and the permutation of events that leads them into adulthood!
"Two witnesses..."
Why doesn't the Watchtower Society just come right out and advertise it? "Jehovah's Witnesses: The first molestation is free. The second one might cost ya."
The irony is their indoctrination may well precipitate such deviance as will any indoctrination which endeavours to completely establish prohibition respecting natural human behaviour rather than educating them to explore and understand it in healthy contexts. Where you find one you will find the other! And so unless they completely overhaul their doctrine they will perpetuate similar traits in human behaviour! IMHO
It is a catch 22 for them and their followers!
Furthermore the sexually restrictive environment of not encouraging or aiding individuals to explore their own humanity (sexuality) ,save the ones 'game' enough to break JW rules, is likely to posit the most law abiding individuals into conflicts with their own human biology which could well result in opportunism or gradual moral decline and taking advantage of situations easiest concealed.
This is a great point. I agree that making the biological function of sex taboo, even though each of us carry "sexual" organs every where we go is nuts. This is due in large part to the superstitious and fanatical view that religions have put upon their followers.
I have often wondered if god exists, why he made us with such strong sexual impulses only to forbid their use except in the strictest of circumstances. There is much about such a view that is illogical.
However, kids are off limits. While social taboos and restrictions no doubt contribute to pedophilia, there is a major difference between sexual activity of consenting ADULTS and children. I am no expert at all on sexual biology. And given that many cultures have a wide variety of differences and viewpoints on sex, etc, I think the key is CONSENT.
I don't think a semantics word play is in the best interests of the problem. While you brought up some good points R.Crusoe, I think that finding CONSENTING ADULTS to go along with certain festish behavior is still healthier by far then pedophiles. Because in the end, to engage in any legal sexual activity is to have the consent of the other person. Otherwise, it is rape. In our world, we call child rape molestation and pedophilia. It is obviously the same as rape: The perpetrator takes advantage of his superior position and strength to force himself on the other person or child
JW's and their view towards sex certainly represses sexual behavior in an unhealthy way. But I don't think that it is the biggest contributer to those who CHOOSE to molest children. It has been noted that those who feel those impulses can actually go to therapy and address the underlying issues before they lose their inhibitions and hurt a child. That in itself shows that it is possible to get help and heal oneself. Seeking help is a form of control and restraint. I think it possible that through education and therapy, some pedophiles might be rehabilitated, but I don't think we are in an era yet where that can be determined safely. In the absence of this confirming data, the protection of children should be our first concern, and the rehabilitation of pedophiles a distant second.
As a survivor I can tell you that many, including myself, were and continue to be discouraged from not only reporting abuse to authorities but also do not see the relevance in doing so. As lucky as I was to have parents who believed and supported my revelations of abuse and got me into therapy, they also were and remain so very strong with "faith" and "trust" in Jehovah that the implication and lack of action always re-inforced in me that despite how at the immediate time things may not feel right, Jehovah and "his organization" will take care of things in due time. Over the course of years I know for me this had the affect of desensitizing me to abuse. In fact it came to be a normal thing to move on from in my mind. When I would hear about another case of abuse, as my parents in their efforts to move on and heal made friends with other survivors or parents of children who had also been victims, it came to be a normal thing for me. I literally had a bigger outwardly reaction when I found out someone had gotten in trouble for something very routine, like booze or drugs or sex.
In all reality, let me stress that, in all REALITY, the Elders themselves don't have to say something specific, or remain silent on a matter for a victim to feel suppressed and unable, unwilling and confused about how or why to talk to Police. Many never even get counseling, which I was fortunate enough to get. This is caused by the overall influence the society has over publishers. If for your entire life you are told that Jehovah watches and reacts, positively or negatively, to literally every action to take or refrain from, and that his Earthly organization is his representative in every matter, everything from your hair style to your clothes to your attitude to what you do and dont with yourself in the shower...then tell me exactly how something so major as being molested by yet another member of this same community is to be viewed as somehow different, and an outsider is now somehow supposed to be involved.
In a child's mind, who has been raised in the organization, they've already had their boundaries skewed well before they were molested. Now you add yet another layer of individuality that's been taken away, by someone inside the very community that is representing the all authoritative Jehovah. Surely this, just like everything else, is handled by the Elders.
In that instance the Elders don't need to encourage or discourage going to the Police. It's already been ingrained in that victim that doing so is going outside of God. -
The Oracle
Great post AlltimeJeff,
As one poster said. Very informative post.
Do I have your permission to copy your post and send it via email to some of my JW friends?
Please let me know. Thanks Jeff.
The Oracle