Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys

by compound complex 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Youthful Readers,

    Were you into reading Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys?

    I inherited some of the originals but never had read them as a kid. It's not as if I spent all my free time with Warren Pease. I just didn't know about them. They're simple, a bit corny (in spots) but lots of fun. And really keen, too!

    And you?

    Thanks, chums!


  • Xena

    I enjoyed reading Nancy Drew as a kid but Trixie Beldon was my favorite.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Back in the days I used to check out Hardy Boys mysteries from the library. I remember during one summer vacation I had read most of the series. In fact, once during 5th or 6th grade I actually read three books in a single day.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    And to add :

    I used to be addicted to Encyclopedia Brown mini mysteries when I was in the 3rd and 4th grade. Do any of you remember that series?

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Xena and Alli:

    Wow! Instant messaging! I'm not familiar with Trixie or Mr. Brown.

    Would love to hear more if you're not too busy sleuthing or ...



  • snowbird

    As a kid, I read every Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew book I could find.

    My oldest daughter (34) read all the Encyclopedia Brown books and solved the mysteries before he could! They are about a young detective who solves mysteries by astute observation and keen listening abilities.

    My youngest daughter (18) has the ENTIRE collection of Nancy Drew. When she was in 2nd grade, she prevailed upon her daddy to order them for her. Because she was his princess, he complied.

    If I remember correctly, it set him back around $400! His investment has paid off tremendously; she's an Honors Freshman at university with a 4.0 GPA.

    All of my g'children (6) are extremely well-read. It's a blessing to see that, and I'm very proud of them. Can you tell?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Wonderful, Snowbird!

    Thank you, proud and beaming Grandma, for this information re: Encyclopedia Brown.

    Our young ones are into books also ... I insist!

    It pays to be astute. It helps, too, to be a princess!

    Gratitude to you ...


  • UnConfused

    Bought all 52 Hardy Boys books for my son whom I offered $2 per to read them and a $100 bonus if the read them all. (He didn't like reading at the time, thus the bribe) Well he did it and we had a Hardy Boys party at the end with presents and clues leading him to the final present of a safe with 100 dollar bills.

    Now he's a voracious, it was the best $200 I ever spent.

    Thanks for the memory CC

  • changeling

    I read Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden and The Happy Hollisters.

    Have fun,


  • Tara

    I loved Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys. I read all of them at the library. I also read a couple of Cherry Ames and The Bobbsie (?sp) twins books. They were earlier than Nancy Drew and were at the library.

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