in high school I wanted to do a degree in linguistics and be a writer. Of course as a JW, education was out, even though I could have had a full scholarship. Can't entirely blame the JWs, school had been 12 years of mind-numbing boredom for me and the thought of more school was daunting, even though I was interested in linguistics and should have gone. As it turns out, I like the field I wound up in (massage) and I became a writer, so it wasn't all bad.
Who did you/do you want to be when you grew up?
by Crumpet 73 Replies latest jw experiences
I know this sounds like BS, but I am who I want to be... I was thinking about this today, I went through hell with the JW baloney, but I'm glad I went through it. I feel that all our lives teach us something... I've learned a lot... my new album is southern rock/bluegrass/country/blues... its exactly what I want to say and I'm happy as hell about it.
ANd if my music had been sucessful when I was young, i'd of probably OD'ed on coke. Now, I may have a magic brownie or two, but I live realtivly healthy; and after joining this site a year ago, I feel I'm mentally healthy right now...I'm ready for success for the first time... I'm happy and broke as hell, but I feel the future will be better... at least better... YOu know what? I actully think I may be really be happy for the first time right now...and to expierence this life, the one I have; I'm glad I did what I did and loved who I loved and all that... I needed to expierence that for me, in my own terms....and I feel that the future loves and expierences will be better becasue of it all....
I am happy with who I am, if I changed anything, I wouldn't be the same person I am today.
rolling rock
I always wanted to be a Locomotive Engineer. (that means driving a train) Now I am. I work fo BNSF, so next time you see a BNSF train come through your town. Give a wave it could be me driving that train. It's a really good job. The only draw back is I have to work on the road 6 weeks at a crack but then I get 2 weeks off. It also makes it hard to have a good love life but, I will be able to retire by age 50.
Being a rockstar would have been cool too. -
When i was a weee lasssie i've always dreamt of being a rock star just like Deborah Anne Dyer from Skunk Anansie. i've like her image even though she was unknown in the US. But since i don't have the voice like her. i've got a good forte in the health and science field therefore i am pursuing it at a very young age i'm glad that i did not listen to the elders who told me not to go to college. So sky's the limit for me aint nothing going to hold me down now and not ever!
That I can think of off the top of my head....
- Inigo Montoya or The Man In Black (6-8)
- A Musketeer (7-9)
- A Knight (6-12)
- Paleontologist (5-8)
- Archaeologist (6)
- Someone who drives a Delorean (10-12)
- Astronaut or Astronomer (6-9)
- The Mask (10)
- Rock Climber (11)
- Historian (15 on)
- Stonemason (15 on)
- Someone who lives on a deserted Tropical Island (7, 17-20)
- Blacksmith (18 on)
- Self Sufficient backwoodsman (18 on)
- Ecovillage dweller (19-20)
- Actor (6 on)
- Anyone but me (5 on)
From age 9 to 15 I wanted to be a forest ranger.
I had the wife and mother dream too when I was young.
When I was older I wished I was Rachel from Friends, which I believe had to do with how she was able to afford living in New York and wearing expensive clothes on a waitress-at-a-coffee-house budget, and then how she was able to get an amazing career with no education at all. PLUS her hair was always amazing.
Ah, sitcoms.
new boy
About 10 years ago some elder asked that question at the Tualatin KM hall. One kid raised his and and said...
"I want to go to Bethel...
One kid said...
I want to go to Gilead...
One kid raised his hand and said..
I want to pioneer...
Then Johnny raised his hand...The elder said "What do you want to be when you grow up Johnny?"
7 year old Johnny said...."Thuck Driver!"....The hall went crazy....To this day people walk up to this poor kid and say...."Hay thuck driver" and laugh.
So my answer is "Truck Driver!"
A pitcher for the Red Sox