did you enjoy your first cigarette?

by inkling 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    no. never tried a second one. However, my father was a smoker, and so I guess I was exposed to a lot of second-hand smoke as a little kid. Sometimes at night I dream all night long that I am smoking cigarettes. In my dreams it's good. Glad I never got started with the habit, though.

  • bikerchic

    I enjoyed my last one best, May 19, 2007!

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    I was 4 when my oldest brother and his friend forced me to "smoke" cigar. Only had a few puffs but that was more than enough to kill off that desire. I do remember drinking a huge bottle of soda right afterwards though. The joys of being young right?

  • 5go

    No, I haven't smoked it yet.

  • Tatiana

    Same here, momzcrazy. When I was 11 my sister stole a pack of my grandmother's cigs. We crawled under the house and lit up. First puff, I threw up. Never tried anything that smoked again. My sister started and smoked until her death at 38. (Not from smoking) We grew up around cigarettes, pipes, and cigars.....so I probably "smoked" anyway. :) Now, weed is another matter entirely. hehehe

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    I relate this brief story here as I did to coworkers: my work chum Steve is a heavy smoker, I asked him to teach me to smoke. . .how hard can it be I think. . .I'm asked How did I like it? I say It's kinda nyeay, blah, did nothing for me but, I didn't choke so I was successful, although, I wondered why I had to be on my knees to do it. . .

  • avishai

    Yes and no. It tasted like ass, but it was at sunset on a jetty in Maui, so yeah, it was kinda cool.

  • Mincan

    Even on strong cigarettes (the only ones I like) I don't notice this nasty taste ya'll mention. Probably because of the amount of psychotropic effects I seem to get off of them.

    My first one I was drunk, don't remember much about it.

    My second was at the Toronto Apostafest, they were mini-cigar flavoured things. Very good, I was drunk and high so they made me happier.

    Numbers 5 or 6-16 were on New Years Eve/New Years Day this time around in the Falls here, chain smoked about 10 within about two hours, the first two were amazing, they were De Maurier regulars, dark strong bastards, the mild visual hallucinations, extreme sleepiness/calm, and yet stimulation at the same time was scary, because me no want to be smoker.

    EDIT: Oops, I forgot to mention the 7 or so I smoked while in Ohio. Guess I've smoked around 25 all together now.

  • Double Edge
  • thom

    I don't specifically remember the first time I smoked, but I remember the time about 20 minutes ago. I can't even say what I specifically enjoy about it, but if I try to stop for a few hours I really really want one! They must be great!

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