As a tool for enabling further awareness, from within the congregations, to the activities of the organisation, in my estimation, the UN letter of disassociation, needs wider publication, and distribution, certainly into the hands of individual brothers and sisters.
In thus action, much might be generated towards effective solutions in general public education about the machinations of the WT Corporations/networks.
Does anyone else see this tool (letter) as a key that can be used?
I plan to deliver this letter as a flyer to every Witness household I know of in my area.
Just the letter. No commentary.
I think it speaks volumes in itself and that many will be disturbed and shocked by it. Doubts will be raised that will not easily be put back under lock and key in that Pandora's box of independent thinking kept in the remote corner of the brain of many Jehovah's Witnesses.
Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire
I believe Randy's site now has a copy of the original letter that was sent too me. Hoeffel was intent on giving me a facsimile and that would be that. I told him I wanted an original signed letter. Needless to say he was pi$$ed but agreed to do it - Hoeffel's mind set is that we are all wasting his time.
Its too bad I can't physically show you guys the real deal that sits right beside me.
You would also like the envelope too but unfortunately it gives my address and full name. It has a cool red printed stamp of the UN building in the middle of the post mark and the postage.
p.s. - Path if you are not satisfied with Randy's copy let me know
The copy at freeminds should be sufficient, I just was not aware of where or if one had been posted.
That original letter you possess is quite the collector's item
Have you made any efforts in contacting the branch or in your local area? I'd like to write Georgetown, but am just gathering all the relevant documents and details first.
Path, From what I have heard, this letter is basically what the UN is handing out to all interested. If you mail them and ask about the association, they will even send you your very own letter
Do not give them an email addy, just do it the old fashioned way, so you can get an actual copy in your hands. I sent off my request last week. I will let you know what I get back. wendy
I am not sure if you will get the original though. I think you will get a photocopy of the Orginal Oct 11, 2001 letter Hoeffel made up. But I am crossing my fingers.
Also if you Email the UN library ( [email protected] ),the reference librarian upon your request will Email you a "WORD" document that contains the Hoeffel letter - unsigned of course.
Let me know if you get an orginal letter.
I have a good feeling that by the end of the year or when the next time DPI welcomes new NGOs into DPI, the DPI will make a strong statement about this fiasco.
And loving it.
I will not contact Georgetown as I am not a Witness. However, I am hopefully going to let a reporter person I know do that.