Narcissistic Personality?

by Sparkplug 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Sparkplug


    No laughing matter. I've known, and still know, a few individuals with this disorder. The worst of it is that it is almost never treatable. Those with it tend to remain that way no matter what.


    Yes it is very sad that it is not usually treatable.

    Maddie~ You know, the hardest part is walking in the door for help. It is so scary. I would say if you question it, look into it. What is the worst that can happen? Perhaps you dont have a problem. Then you walk right out. But if you do have a problem, then you get help for it. It is not an easy road, and quite a hard stretch to go through, but I am a firm believer that getting help can improve your life quality. It may worsen for a bit at first when you have to deal with things you have not, and it is quite humbling...but truly worth getting help.

  • Sparkplug
    It lists many experiences from family members of how they started to doubt their own sanity

    Isn't that the truth? Then the one doubting has to go through self esteem help and what not depending how much to heart they took everything they have been through. It really is sad.

  • moshe

    My daughter was still involved with JW's when she was labeled with this disorder at age 12. The Dr. said she could grow out of it and I was sceptical of his diagnosis. He was right and she didn't grow out of it. She did give JW's the heave-ho at age 15-16- too restrictive for her.

  • Sparkplug

    Moshe~ I have to think that had to be very hard for you as a parent. I can think that the only thing harder would to be the person themselves. It is so hard on all sides of the equation. I feel for you hon. How is she doing now?

  • dinah


    When my first husband got a general discharge from the National Guard during the first Gulf War, I took a look at his medical file. The Army psychiatrist had that exact thing down as a diagnosis. He was extremely abusive, had NO conscience whatsoever. He was a serial cheated and had more girlfriends after we married than he did in his whole life.

    He is now in prison without possibility of parole because of the 3 strikes law. He raped a 50-something year old lady.

    He did grow up in an abusive home and his mother is crazy as bat-sh*t.

    I stayed with that fool for 5 years, thought I deserved it for leaving Jehovah. Sick, huh?

  • Abandoned
    I stayed with that fool for 5 years, thought I deserved it for leaving Jehovah. Sick, huh?

    I can't tell you how much garbage I put up with because I deserved it for leaving god's organization. Bleccch! Last year, I started standing up for myself.

  • Sparkplug
    I stayed with that fool for 5 years, thought I deserved it for leaving Jehovah. Sick, huh?

    I have done that too. It is hard to swallow when you look back and see what you did. But a better lesson could not be learned than going through this. Right? Not a huge comfort, but I feel so badly for you having gone through this. It has a lot to do with your big old heart you know? I think a lot of us may have done the same thing. Most of all it is hard to change your behavior so that you do not do that again. But I have seen your heart in action and I say don't loose it.

  • dinah

    That was sweet, Sparky. I didn't loose my good-heartedness, but now I know the warning signs of an abusive person. At least it was a learning experience. God, he was CRAZY, but I was soooo young (met him when I was 17).

  • Layla33

    I definitely believe this type of behavior is breeded in the JW organization. "The annointed" come to mind.

    I remember going through my "questions" to be baptized and being interviewed by someone of the annointed. This man literally acted like he was going to fly away. At one point in the process, he literally stood up, waved his arms around feeling the air and basking in the glow of his blessings. When this man talked, people literally bow - I have seen it, it was unbelievable.

    I could go on, but yes, for so many reasons, I definitely think it is bred in this organization.

  • Sparkplug

    I remember going through my "questions" to be baptized and being interviewed by someone of the annointed. This man literally acted like he was going to fly away. At one point in the process, he literally stood up, waved his arms around feeling the air and basking in the glow of his blessings. When this man talked, people literally bow - I have seen it, it was unbelievable.

    Layla, I was thinking about this and all of these instances came to mind where such behavior was shown. Especially in elders meetings. That is where the part about not knowing limits or where to stop putting yourself in ones business comes in. I had those meetings with too many questions being asked and too personal things being discussed. Followed by the arrogance and a good portion of that list above.

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