This board has seen dozens of threads from people who have gotten involved with a JW/lapsed JWs. Most have no idea what being a JW means. Many don't even discover the JW connection until they are quite involved.
Here is what I see happening:
A JW decides to investigate what life is like outside the WT. They get involved in a relationship with a non-JW. In most cases they don't tell their new friend about their JW past. At some point the lapsed JW starts feeling the guilt and wants to go back to the fold. Some will begin to explain the past and may even try to get their new interest to study with the JWs, go to a few meetings but not explain to family and other JWs the extent of the real relatiohship.
To me this parallels how JWs are taught to "preach" to people at their doors. No full disclosure at the door. In fact they will even lie. "No we aren't here to convert you" "You will understand this later" "No we don't shun people" You know the drill
If at the doors we said "we have a religion we would like you to join. You will have to give up all your present beliefs in favor of ours. You will have to give up all holidays and family that goes to them. You will have to give up any family that objects to your association. If you or your child needs a blood transfusion you will have to say No." In the same way, the lapsed JW wouldn't dream of telling the new person in their life "I used to belong to the JWs. I want to go back and would like you to join. (then add the above paragraph)". Also tell them: If you refuse to become a JW with me then know ahead of time you will always be considered an outsider. Any children we have will be taught only what the JWs teach. Our children will not be allowed to attend college or university. They will not be allowed to get involved in the arts, or sports. Their extra time will be spent studying JW literature, going to meetings and participating in the preaching work. Any beliefs you have will always come second to what I believe. Also know that I will always put my beliefs first, over your beliefs. I will attend all my meetings which will be more important than anything you want to do."
What a terrible thing to do to someone who you say you love.
Hopefully some UBMs will post how this may or may not fit in with their experience.