Please share your personal experiences on the evil of family seperation by governments, religions, courts, spouses.... Make your outrage known!
Are you a victim of being separated from someone that you love?
by Fisherman 11 Replies latest jw friends
This is a most brilliant thread!
But I propose it will take time for individuals to be able to share such pain with us if ever!
RC. I agree it is very painful AND painful to remmember, and not easy to write. I thank you for your post. Anything else that you would like to share or comment on, I would be very interested in reading about.
I'm separated from my parents and my sisters, but its been so long now I'm not sure its painful anymore, just numb acceptance. I am separated by an ocean from a couple of people I love very much and wish I could see every day.
thankfully my family speaks to me - i'm not df. but i worry and sometimes really think that soon some announcement will be made that they should have nothing to do with "inactive" ones.
I'm separated from three daughters by that wicked borg, someday I hope they see the real light.
I am separated from my children who are being taught that I am evil and have left Jehovah.
Read my Recovery threads.
lonely , link to your post
mind my own
I am separated from my mom and one of my brothers. I don't care much for my mom so that is fine but it breaks my heart in two that I cannot talk to my brother. I am not DF'd, they just choose to not have me in their life b/c I am "bad association". I hope and pray that my brother will see the light and leave this cult. I know he does have some doubts so here is to can't come soon enough though, I miss him!