My cat Monty is a scavenger. Every night he brings an odd assortment of items to bed - this picture shows a little sock, two little mittens, a catnip sack, and two cords. It also shows little Lavender sneaking up on him to steal the black cord, which she loves. He has about nine items,brings 5 or 6 to bed every night. I don't have a clue why he does it. What does your pet do that's funny?
Does your pet do something funny?
by Hortensia 35 Replies latest jw friends
Excellent joke from Ron White when his Yorkie dog tried eating the dinner he couldn't - and when the wife asked why it was licking its butt he explained how it was trying to take the taste out of its mouth.
Our new not so little hairy cat is getting fixed in the morning. We have hidden all the food and covered all the fishtanks and wifey will drop her off in the morning.
The good news is that the cyote howling will hopefully come to an end. Silly girl has been in heat all last week. Hope she doesn't hate us too much tomorrow night!
Hortensia that is so adorable.
My dogs don't do anything particularly funny. But I'll use your thread (hope you don't mind) to boast about my Shepherd. He is the best dog/pet I've ever had. He is the ideal Shepherd, loyal, obedient, sweet, happy, protective, very smart, and so alert. He walks through our yard regularly just like a guard. We really feel safe w/ him. He looks very intimidating but as long as you're not threatening his territory he is the happiest sweetest thing ever. -
Bumble Bee
I don't think I'd call emptying my pocketbook funny.
go ahead - brag about your pets here! My Lavender is one of the most loving cats I have ever had. Monty is very intelligent, sometimes scary intelligent, and his mind works in mysterious ways.
I've always had my cats fixed and declawed and they always forgive me and get along just fine.
How did your pet empty your purse? Literally, or just too expensive?
My cat Princess Kitty plays fetch like a dog and can make cat food disapear faster than a speeding bullet.She's 26 pounds and still growing.She also lets me know that the food dish is empty.
My cat Oliver Kitty is a cuddle bunny and love to give his Momma kisses.He can also distroy a Christmas tree better than any other kitty.He climbs on my chest when ever he wants mommy time and purrs and gives kisses and goes to sleep for hours preventing me from posting here as much as I want too.
My cat Baby Kitty is a big baby and loves to be held like a baby.He also likes to sleep on my pillow.He also climbes on me when he wants mommy time.He also puts his front paws up my leg so I know he wants to be picked up and held like a baby.
My cat Kashmire is a very regal kitty.She thinks she's the queen of the house.She only likes me.She has a toy she carry's around with here that is her baby.She whines while she does this and sounds very sad.She's also the least demanding kitty I have.She will only come to me and get petted when the other cats are off doing something else.
My cats fetch the little milk rings from jugs of milk. and they love to tear up little pieces of paper.
Gypsy can smile.
My dog smiles when you rub his belly. It's precious.
Our cat takes naps with the dog and washes his face for him. They think they are brothers. Max kitty also loves to chase those "flywheels" toys. He can catch them in midair.